STOP CASSINI Newsletter #200 -- September 30th, 1999

Copyright (c) 1999

STOP CASSINI Newsletters Index

To: Subscribers, government officials, members of the press

From: Russell David Hoffman, very concerned citizen

Re: What say you now, James Oberg? (STOP CASSINI newsletter #200)

Date: September 30th, 1999

"There can be no democracy without truth, no justice without mercy, and no nuclear dispersals without ill consequences."

This issue's subjects:

(1) An open letter to President Clinton:


To: William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States of America
From: Russell David Hoffman, very concerned citizen
Re: Risks facing America
Date: September 30th, 1999

Dear Mr. President, others:

In light of the items presented in this newsletter, it's time to either:

1) Stop trying to use that error-prone metric system along with the more versatile and traditional "English" system once and for all in America,

or else

2) Start using that simple and highly scalable metric system the rest of the world likes, and do away with the complex, error-prone English system.

Either way, it's time to act. There are 92 days left until Y2K and YOU have to get all the dangerous bugs out of every system in the world before then. That is your sworn and solemn duty.

Today, I believe you have it easy, because today, I believe it is your duty simply to let me say my piece, and to listen.

In 92 days every nuclear power plant that can be turned off without fear it might knock the electrical grid out by so doing -- and perhaps, even so -- needs to be shut down. Every spent fuel pool which needs offsite power to keep it's waters sufficiently cooled to prevent a spent fuel accident (similar to a meltdown but usually outside the containment dome) needs its own power generators -- at least FOUR independent sources of power, plus the grid.

Every operating nuclear power plant (and even ones that have been recently shut down) also needs "offsite power" continuously. That is why power plants in the United States are required to have two independent power generation systems (besides the grid) -- usually they have two identical diesel generators (one power plant has a hydro-electric backup system, which is much more reliable!). The Diesel Generators have a reported tested reliability of only about 85%. That is not sufficient. Even if the reliability of these backup generators were 98%, which I believe is as high or higher than any government agency rates them, two generators would not be sufficient from a statistical point of view of the dangers from a failure (meltdown, immediate loss of life, permanent relocation away from the area, increased cancer rates worldwide). Not on Y2K-day, and not any day.

Many nuclear power plants outside the United States don't even have that much backup. I have heard that some have no backup at all and rely on the grid to be available at all times, or they must SCRAM the reactor, which is a dangerous, costly and sometimes complicated procedure (which is done somewhere in the world pretty much on a daily basis).

A concern for the future of America, our children, our children's children, and all the future generations, demands that we, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, which has within its borders more billionaires than there are commercial nuclear reactors on the planet, are responsible directly, indirectly, morally, and for our own safety, and must do whatever it takes to close down as many of these reactors as possible and to shore up by at least double, whatever backup systems are now in place.

I am taking this opportunity to say this, because right now, I am in a very good position as having correctly warned that NASA underestimated the odds against a Cassini flyby reentry -- and the Government knows this (specifically, people at NASA and the DOE). Some of your highest-ranking employees know this. (The latest details are shown below.)

Also, I demand an apology from Daniel Goldin for the outrageous lies coming from his organization and directed at and about me during the period of now nearly three years. With or without the apology, I also demand he resign. He has steered NASA wrong long enough.

NASA could be turned around and fulfill its appointed goal as a CIVILIAN agency in charge of developing new aeronautical (as well as space) technologies and associated projects. The new NASA should have environmentalism as its central theme.

I would be willing to lead such an organization, starting with conducting Dan Goldin's exit interview live on the Internet.

The first thing I would do, though, is close NASA down for three months, until after Y2K, and put all those employees on a crash-course for helping to save this planet from eminent disaster.

Please review all of my newsletters, which have never been proven wrong in a single statement which has not already been corrected. I'm not saying there are no mistakes, but it would take a preponderance of errors which is far more unlikely than that I am actually right and should be listened to.

Every so often, a President gets a letter from someone who has considered a situation very carefully, which wakes him up. Let this be that letter. I have considered these situations very carefully, and we are in grave, grave danger. It is time for you to do something important. At the very least, please allow me an audience with you to further explain any details I have not covered in my newsletters. Feel free to have any staff members you think can help you deny my demands handy. Any questions I cannot answer sufficiently out of hand I will research and respond to.

But most of the facts are painfully obvious to anyone who has been paying attention, so you could just start acting quickly.

By the way, the latest plan for wiping out the "third world debt" sounds like a good one and should be implemented immediately! Bravo! You have done some things very right lately. Solving the nuclear dilemma correctly is one more you MUST do.


Russell Hoffman
Founder and Editor
STOP CASSINI newsletter


(2) What say you now, James Oberg?

Shortly after Mars Climate Observer disappeared as it attempted to do what is called an "orbital insertion" (which is very much like a flyby), a sequence of correspondences between James Oberg and the editor of the STOP CASSINI newsletter occurred, which was published in newsletter #195.

Today's NASA press release (shown below) shows that even if everything Mr. Oberg had said about the higher quality equipment was right, the MCO error could have been a Cassini error instead. That is so unequivocal it would be laughable if it wasn't so catastrophical. -- rdh (who does not have a degree from Harvard or anywhere else)


To: James Oberg
From: Russell Hoffman
Re: MCO-Cassini connection
cc: The usual gang of idiots, plus my subscribers, etc.
Date: September 30th, 1999

Dear Sir,

From today's press release from NASA (shown below) it is clear that what happened to MCO could happen to any probe, anywhere, any time.

What say you now? The "one in one million" debate is over. The only question left is how wrong was the "120 deaths" estimate NASA gave.


Russell D. Hoffman


Meanwhile, it should not go unmentioned that I think Mr. Oberg is the best science writer around today, his views and statements about space debris have been consistently excellent, and the world would be making a big mistake to think he is wrong very often.

Unfortunately, in this case, once is enough. -- rdh

(3) NASA press release about why MCO failed:

Clearly, this is something that could have happened to any probe, near any planet. -- rdh


Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:08:13 -0400
To: "Russell D. Hoffman"
From: Larry Klaes
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 12:30:11 -0400 (EDT)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Douglas Isbell
Headquarters, Washington, DC Sept. 30, 1999
(Phone: 202/358-1753)

Mary Hardin
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
(Phone: 818/354-5011)

Joan Underwood
Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, CO
(Phone: 303/971-7398)

RELEASE 99-113


A failure to recognize and correct an error in a transfer of information between the Mars Climate Orbiter spacecraft team in Colorado and the mission navigation team in California led to the loss of the spacecraft last week, preliminary findings by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory internal peer review indicate.

"People sometimes make errors," said Dr. Edward Weiler, NASA's Associate Administrator for Space Science. "The problem here was not the error, it was the failure of NASA's systems engineering, and the checks and balances in our processes to detect the error. That's why we lost the spacecraft."

The peer review preliminary findings indicate that one team used English units (e.g., inches, feet and pounds) while the other used metric units for a key spacecraft operation. This information was critical to the maneuvers required to place the spacecraft in the proper Mars orbit.

"Our inability to recognize and correct this simple error has had major implications," said Dr. Edward Stone, director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "We have underway a thorough investigation to understand this issue."

Two separate review committees have already been formed to investigate the loss of Mars Climate Orbiter: an internal JPL peer group and a special review board of JPL and outside experts. An independent NASA failure review board will be formed shortly.

"Our clear short-term goal is to maximize the likelihood of a successful landing of the Mars Polar Lander on December 3," said Weiler. "The lessons from these reviews will be applied across the board in the future."

Mars Climate Orbiter was one of a series of missions in a long-term program of Mars exploration managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. JPL's industrial partner is Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, CO. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.

- end-

* * *

NASA press releases and other information are available automatically by sending an Internet electronic mail message to In the body of the message (not the subject line) users should type the words "subscribe press-release" (no quotes). The system will reply with a confirmation via E-mail of each subscription. A second automatic message will include additional information on the service. NASA releases also are available via CompuServe using the command GO NASA. To unsubscribe from this mailing list, address an E-mail message to, leave the subject blank, and type only "unsubscribe press-release" (no quotes) in the body of the message.


To bad being right doesn't pay very well in America today, where instead, being blind to what's happening around you is rewarded admirably. -- rdh

(4) Serious accident at Japanese nuke processing plant irradiates at least three workers

If the harmless loss of Mars Climate Observer (harmless to human life, that is, although clearly damaging to NASA in many ways) was a clear indication that NASA is not as perfect as they think they are, then the incident shown below should likewise be a sign that the Y2K-nuclear dangers are extreme. Imagine if this had happened during Y2K? Numerous emergency systems are expected to fail, however temporarily, however small the area they cover. No one I know of is expecting smooth waters everywhere.

We contacted Pamela Blockey-O'Brien and here is our joint report:

Tokaimura is a reprocessing plant, where they reprocess nuclear fuel rods, which means that you have to dissolve the outer clading in nitric and oxalic acid. What you do is you extract the uraniums and plutoniums that have built up in the fuel rods, and separate it from the so-called "contaminates" that have also been created, such as strontium 90, cobalt 60, cesium 137, and radioactive iodines -- which are currently going out the stacks at Tokaimura.

300,000 people had been told to "stay inside" because they can't figure out how they could possibly move them, but that number has been lowered to 100,000 in the very latest report. Clinton is saying it is a very hard day for the people of Japan and that we will be as helpful as we can. I hope that he means we will be more help than America was after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, when we took over the study of the effects of the nuclear weapons we dropped on those cities, and proceeded to cover up thousands of deaths, infirmities and deformities.

The three people who were irradiated at the Japanese reprocessing plant were wrapped in plastic (it looks awful), so the alpha radiation they are emitting does not harm the medical personnel, but it won't do anything for the other radioactive emissions. Eleven others, perhaps more, were also contaminated.

The radiation releases are thousands of times what they should be. But the Japanese are using Seiverts and milli-Seiverts, not REM to measure this (which confuses the global public, much like the problems with metric versus English). 0.01 milli-Seiverts equals one millirem, so that the numbers the Japanese provide appear much smaller. They are reporting releases of "3 milli-Seiverts" but we are not sure of the rate (per hour, or perhaps even per minute).

On the other hand they keep saying the radiation coming off the plant is hundreds or even thousands of times background. If it is indeed just 3 milli-Seiverts per hour, that is still a lot (that would be 300 mrems per hour).

Annual background global radiation from naturally occurring radiation used to be set at between 100 mrem and 125 mrem A YEAR. In other words, a little over one MILLI-SEIVERT a year. Of course, billions of people were exposed to far less than that, and billions more were exposed to more. However, due to the global increases from the nuclear age -- from weapons testing, re-entering SNAP satellites, emissions from nuclear reprocessing plants, nuclear power plants, nuclear research reactors, cobalt 60 and cesium 137 food irradiators, medical x-rays, mammograms, uranium mining (leaving mine tailings giving off radon gas around the world), depleted uranium (used in everything from Boeing 747's to the yachting keels, from military aircraft and helicopters to the tank turrets that fire the depleted uranium armor piercing projectiles that shoot down the planes and helicopters), etc.. There are both daily emissions such as from standing pools of radioactive waste, such as at Tomsk in Russia and from all operating nuclear power plants, as well as the so-called "accidents" that occur with alarming regularity.

Officials now tell the public that the average global background radiation is 360 mrems a years -- nearly a three-fold increase. The United States Environmental Protection Agency maintains that no one should receive more than 100 mrem a year over background from ALL SOURCES -- medical, drinking water, air, etc. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) allows 100 mrem per year from their reactors for citizens who live near the plant (in some cases, 500 mrem).

What is happening right now in Japan is much like what can happen in any spent fuel pool if the water boils dry or drains out by accident, because the spent fuel rods will brittle and rupture, and then the fuel will melt down which will lead to an uncontrolled chain reaction. Obviously, the same thing can occur at reprocessing plants anywhere in the world, including at DoE sites and military sites.

U.S. Secretary of Energy has stated that a team from Los Alamos is ready to go to Japan if asked. Robots will probably be needed to go in the place, because people would die. It is currently feared that the plant might explode.

-- This report was prepared from a variety of sources by Russell D. Hoffman and Pamela Blockey-O'Brien.


At 10:44 AM 9/30/99 -0400, "Mark" wrote:

I am confident that this story is already on your radar screen, but just in case . . .


Japan nuclear accident raises safety fears

By Yvonne Chang

TOKYO, Sept 30 (Reuters) - An accident at a Japanese nuclear fuel facility on Thursday exposed three workers to radiation and prompted authorities to evacuate the vicinity, raising fresh concerns about the nation's nuclear safety.

Government officials said there may have been a ``criticality incident'' at a uranium processing plant in the village of Tokaimura in Ibaraki Prefecture, about 140 km (87 miles) northeast of Tokyo.

Criticality is the point at which a nuclear chain reaction becomes self-sustaining, similar to what occurs inside a nuclear reactor.

Toshio Okazaki, vice minister at the Science and Technology Agency, told a news conference that a ``criticality incident'' may have caused the accident, which temporarily caused radiation levels to race up 4,000 times higher than normal.

Later on Thursday, conflicting reports emerged on whether these levels had returned to normal or were remaining high. Officials were unable to clarify the discrepancies.

Authorities at Tokaimura advised some 50 households living within 350 metres (380 yards) of the processing plant to evacuate and others were advised in radio broadcasts to stay home.

All three workers were taken to hospital and later transferred by helicopter to a specialised hospital in Chiba Prefecture east of Tokyo, officials said.

A doctor who treated the three workers told a televised news conference: ``Judging from the symptoms, they appeared to have received quite a substantial amount of radiation and we will need to keep a close eye on their conditions.''

Makoto Ujihara, an executive at JCO Ltd, the private company which operates the plant, told a separate news conference that the workers had seen a blue flash -- said by experts to be a sign of a ``criticality incident'' -- and then began to feel ill.

The village of Tokaimura, with a population of around 33,802 people, is home to 15 nuclear-related facilities and was the scene of Japan's worst nuclear plant accident in which 35 workers suffered radiation contamination in 1997.

Japan's nuclear power programme has been plagued by a number of accidents and cover-ups.

In the 1997 Tokaimura accident at a nuclear reprocessing plant, a fire that caused radiation to escape was not extinguished properly and caused an explosion hours later.

The accident exposed 37 staff to radiation in what was later declared Japan's worst nuclear accident. The plant was closed.

Greenpeace said in a statement that Thursday's accident ``confirms our fears. The entire safety culture within Japan is in crisis.''

Chihiro Kamisawa, a nuclear expert at the anti-nuclear group Citizen's Nuclear Information Center, told Reuters that preventing a ``criticality incident'' was top priority for nuclear safety and that Thursday's accident would cast doubt on Japan's entire nuclear programme.

He said the accident could force a postponement of the plan to restart the nuclear reprocessing plant in Tokaimura as well as affect Japan's MOX fuel programme.

The first shipment of MOX nuclear fuel -- a mix of uranium and plutonium recycled from spent nuclear fuel -- docked in Fukui Prefecture north of Japan on Monday and a second shipment is destined for unloading at another location soon.

Greenpeace has warned that the shipments could have been converted into 60 nuclear bombs if the two ships had been hijacked at sea.

Japan is heavily dependent on nuclear power, with its 51 commercial nuclear power reactors providing one-third of the country's electricity.

06:51 09-30-99

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This newsletter is not distributed for profit and this article has been reprinted in its entirety for emergency purposes of informing the public about a grave and eminent danger -- if the public thinks the nuclear fuel cycle is being safely taken care of today, they are wrong.

(5) Report on Hurricane Floyd's "near miss" with the Brunswick, North Carolina reactor:


Hi folks:

This is what we have learned from Pamela Blockey O'Brien about the Brunswick nuclear power station in North Carolina:

At 2:48 am on September 16th, 1999, the eye of hurricane Floyd passed directly over it.

One of four main feeder lines on each unit was lost (they had shut the power plants down "JUST in the nick of time"). Parts of the turbine building exterior were lost.

We don't have estimated winds during the storm. There was a loss of power (naturally?) so the back-up generators had to be used.

We don't know why, but most of the emergency sirens were not operable. We also don't know if they ever attempted to use them, but -- probably because of the loss of offsite power -- they didn't have enough power to sound all the sirens if they wanted to.

The Government had put three special NRC inspectors on the site the day before to monitor everything as they moved both units into cold shutdown.

FEMA and the NRC had already set up a command center in advance in Raleigh, North Carolina. They are continuing to monitor and assess the situation.

What is "kind of interesting" to say the least, is they opened up certain bypass valves at the site, which apparently violated North Carolina's Discharge Permits -- the reason they did this was because otherwise the site would have been flooded. But in so doing, they washed any radioactivity loose at the site into the waters of North Carolina. They said that to prevent flooding, they opened up the bypass valves because their installed pump capacity would not have been able to work, according to an NRC librarian at the public document room.

The NRC had issued, for all the plants in the possible path of Floyd, PNOs (Possible Notification of an Event, although they are called "PNO's" not "PNE's" for some reason)) which starts at 29937 and then use the letters of the alphabet, going through how they did it.

People of North Carolina should ask the NRC for copies of the Inspection Reports (which they are now in the process of writing) starting September 15th, 1999, to see in detail how everything went.

Says Pamela Blockey O'Brien, who called me recently with these details, "If I were them, I wouldn't swim, fish or wade anywhere near that dump!"

The NRC said that all the emergency systems worked (they manually SCRAMed both units at the Brunswick site) and the diesel generators worked, but it's very important that everyone get the FULL reports as soon as they come out. All reporters around the world should order these documents, including the FULL reports -- sometimes, the "short form" the NRC uses to whitewash the full reports don't even mention that the full reports are available, so that is why you have to stress that you want FULL reports.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Public Affairs
Washington DC 20555
Telephone: 301/415-8200

Also, since we don't know many significant details at this time, be sure to ask about any "non-cited" violations as well as all "cited" violations. A "non-cited" violation is something that is technically a violation but is merely noted in the record, and no punishment whatsoever is ever expected to occur. (The vast majority of cited violations are also not punished, although the slap on the wrist varies all the way from limp to flaccid.)

(An example of a non-cited violation (at Hatch, in Georgia): Failure of the licensee (Hatch) to maintain ANY documented surveys when abnormal radiation results were detected during an undocumented survey of a wood storage area. The determination was that the equipment was not working and the people using it were not knowledgeable about the proper procedures.)

There are constant threats of action, which always amount to the NRC being sent a letter by the nuclear power plant operators, explaining that something has been done. That nearly always closes the matter.

This information has been provided to remind everyone that Y2K is only the worst of the terrors we face, but between now and Y2K (about 95 days away) there are over 100 operational years of commercial nuclear power generation coming up, not to mention all the operational years at all the research reactors and military reactors. A holiday is nice, but it is not enough. They must all be shut down forever.


Russell D. Hoffman
With assistance from Pamela Blockey O'Brien, but any errors remain mine, I'm sure.
Carlsbad, California, USA
September 27th, 1999


(6) Northeast Utilities fined $10,000,000.00 for sins against humanity:

This is an example of a nuclear power plant operator (Northeast Utilities) that got one of the more severe wrist-slaps for crimes that should have put their people in jail. The editor of the STOP CASSINI newsletter was born and raised in Connecticut and would like to assure the public that the vast majority of Connecticutians are not so vicious as the perpetrators of these crimes clearly are. -- rdh



Northeast Utilities' plant in the Devon section of Milford violated the Clean Water Act by supplying erroneous water-testing data. Chris Volpe/Register

Tue, Sep 28, 1999

NU fined $10 million for misconduct; utility pleads guilty to 25 violations at power plants

By Jack Dew, Register Staff

HARTFORD — Northeast Utilities was ordered to pay $10 million in fines after pleading guilty Monday to 25 felonies for violating federal nuclear control and environmental laws at NU power plants in Waterford and Milford.

U.S. Attorney Stephen C. Robinson called the penalties "groundbreaking," and said the $5 million fine for NU's violation of the Atomic Energy Act is the heftiest ever imposed in that act's history.

Under the agreement, $6.7 million of the $10 million penalty will be paid as fines, while the remaining $3.3 million will be distributed in the state, including $1 million to help towns purchase open space, and $1 million to endow a business ethics chair at the University of Connecticut.

Nineteen of the felony charges stemmed from misconduct by Northeast Nuclear Energy Co., the subsidiary of NU responsible for the Millstone and Connecticut Yankee nuclear power plants.

According to the government, NU lied about the training qualifications of 19 candidates for the position of reactor operator, the people who monitor the activity of the radioactive nuclear core and operate the controls of the nuclear power plant.

Court documents say the false claims about training first came to light in December 1996, when six out of seven candidates for operator licenses, all from Millstone, failed a licensing exam.

According to the government, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission found "pervasive" training problems when it investigated the poor exam showing. Hubert J. Miller, regional administrator for the NRC, said the poor training was part of an erosion of safety at the nuclear power plants, but never presented an imminent threat to state residents.

The other seven felony counts were for violations of the Clean Water Act where NU had improperly tested the billions of gallons of water it dumped every day into the Housatonic River and Long Island Sound.

At the three plants that comprise the Millstone facility, NU poured more than 2.7 billion gallons of waste water per day into the Sound, water that it was responsible for testing to ensure it was not a threat to the environment. In 1996, according to the government, NU "willfully discharged" water from Millstone tainted with hydrazine, a highly toxic, corrosive material used to clean industrial piping and a known carcinogen.

As early as 1992, Millstone also had problems keeping chlorine out of its waste water, and, instead of addressing the issue, started testing water at the point where it was diluted by clean sea water, thus creating false test results.

At the Devon plant, NU dumped 470 million gallons of water into the Housatonic River — most of which had been run through the facility once, as cooling water, where it could pick up heavy metal contaminants. After the waste water failed a toxicity test in May 1995, NU diluted it by pumping in fresh river water with a fire hose, again skewing the test results. Steven Herman, an enforcement administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency, said NU created a situation in which no one was aware of how many chemicals or toxins were being dumped into the Housatonic and the Sound. Herman said, because of this, the EPA cannot tell just how much damage might have been done.

Michael G. Morris, chairman, president and chief executive officer of NU, appeared before U.S. District Judge Robert N. Chartigny Monday in Hartford to plead guilty on behalf of the company, accept the fines and a three-year probation.

The guilty pleas were the latest and most severe in a string of problems NU has had with the Millstone facility, where only two units are still running and the entire operation is for sale.

In July, NU reached a tentative agreement to settle eight state and federal class-action lawsuits filed by shareholders. That suit claimed NU had mismanaged the nuclear power plant and had omitted or misstated information about the problems on statements to the public.

The guilty pleas will end the three-year investigation into NU's misconduct. Robinson, however, said individuals involved in the crimes might face charges, but he would not elaborate.

Morris, in a press release, said, "We failed to live up to what was required of us as a responsible corporate citizen ... Today, we are paying a very steep price for that failure. The government has sent a very strong message and we get it, loud and clear."

The utility has hired Daniel Esty, director of the Yale University Center for Environmental Law and Policy, to help monitor its operations.

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(7) United States Government official contact points:

NASA needs to be told in no uncertain terms they have lied too often to the public and we want a SEA CHANGE away from their nuclear policies!

To learn about the absurd excuses NASA used to launch Cassini and its 72.3 pounds of plutonium in 1997, ask them for the 1995 Environmental Impact Statement for the Cassini mission, and all subsequent documentation. At the same time, be sure to ask them for ANY and ALL documentation available on future uses of plutonium in space, including MILITARY, CIVILIAN, or "OTHER" (just in case they make a new category somehow!). To get this information, contact:

Cassini Public Information
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
(818) 354-5011 or
(818) 354-6478

Here's NASA's "comments" email address:

Daniel Goldin is the head of NASA. Here's his email address:

Here's the NASA URL to find additional addresses to submit written questions to:


Be sure to "cc" the president and VP and your senators and congresspeople, too.

President Bill Clinton
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20500; Ph. (202) 456-1111, Fax (202) 456-2461;
e-mail --

Vice President Albert Gore
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,
N.W.,Washington, D.C. 20500;Ph. (202) 456-1414, Fax (202)
456-2461; e-mail --

Secretary William Cohen
1000 Defense
The Pentagon
Washington D.C. 20301

Secretary Bill Richardson
Department of Energy (DoE)
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington D.C. 20585
fax: 202-586-4403

Always include your full name and postal address in all correspondence to any Government official of any country.

(8) Subscription information:

Thanks for reading! Welcome new subscribers!

Home page of our STOP CASSINI movement: (Accept NO imitations!)

To subscribe, simply email the editor at and state:
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length and subject matter. Thank you!

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Published by Russell D. Hoffman electronically.
Written in U.S.A.
This newsletter is free and is not distributed for profit.
Please distribute these newsletters EVERYWHERE!

(9) Authorship notes and associated links:


Many of the issues presented by Russell Hoffman in this letter are based on conversations with Dr. John W. Gofman (who isolated the first working quantities of plutonium), the late Dr. Karl Z. Morgan (who was known as the "father of health physics"), Dr. Ernest Sternglass (who has done statistical studies about LLR), Dr. Jay Gould (ditto), Dr. Horst Poehler, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Dr. Ross Wilcock and dozens of activists, as well as many others on both sides of the nuclear debates, including ex military nuke expert Jack Shannon (responsible for the design of the D2G Navy reactor, the most widely used reactor in the U. S. navy), award-winning investigative reporter Karl Grossman, ecologist and human rights advocate Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, etc. Also, I've read a few dozen books on the various subjects. And scads of government documents purporting to explain how something so dangerous can be safe. Professionally, my pump training software is used throughout the pump industry and even in some nuclear power plants around the world to train their staff about mechanical pumps. Any errors herein are regrettably my own, but I believe it would take an extremely unlikely preponderance of errors to invalidate my basic position on these issues.

Russell D. Hoffman, Carlsbad, California, Peace Activist, Environmentalist, High Tech Guru:

Hoffman's Y2K Preparedness Information:

Learn about The Effects of Nuclear War here:

** Russell D. Hoffman, Owner and Chief Programmer
** Carlsbad CA
** Visit the world's most eclectic web site:

Next issue (#201)
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First placed online September 30th, 1999.
Last modified October 3rdt, 1999 (minor typos in letter to Clinton made 10/3/1999).
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