Unsolicited letter from an M.D. in Bangui, Central African Republic

Unsolicited comment from Tim M. Wester, M. D.

This letter is pretty self-explanatory, however since it was written, The Heart: The Engine of Life has been made Shareware and can now be downloaded for free!. Although I cannot afford to send out free copies of our software to everyone that can't afford it, I'm glad I sent this free copy!

Dear Sirs:

Mr. Earl Kiel wrote to you on December 22, 1994 asking for an evaluation copy of the Engine of Life for DOS program for Tandala Hospital. This arrived in Zaire in February 1995 and now I've had some time to use this program.

Since 1955 Tandala Hospital has grown to a 215-bed reference hospital for a population base of over 500,000 people. All major departments are represented within the hospital and include over 2,000 surgical procedures and 900 deliveries. Our dental, eye, gynecological, surgical and general medicine outpatient clinics see over 30,000 patients each year and hospitalize between 4-5,000 patients with 50,000 patient days. We also have an active public health program that supervises 33 outlying health centers.

Training is very important for us with ongoing refresher courses for our nurses. In addition we have a 4 year nursing school program. We are looking into a residency program for Zairian doctors who have just completed medical school.

Thus, I've enjoyed using your Engine of Life. I teach anatomy in our nursing school so have used this program to introduce the circulatory system. Computers are a brand new concept for many. With the mouse it is very helpful in pointing out major items.

This system gives a good overview. For teaching anatomy, it is mainly a little too basic and more details would be appreciated. The animation helps my students visualize something that was two dimensional before. Since the average life span is only 50 years of age in Zaire, we don't see a lot of myocardial infarctions or arrhythmia problems.

In conclusion, I appreciate your willingness to share this program with a non-profit hospital in a foreign country.

In appreciation,

Tim M. Wester, M.D.

Hospital General De Reference Tandala
Central African Republic

From The Heart: The Engine of Life

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Mail to: rhoffman@animatedsoftware.com
Last modified March 27th, 1997.
Webwiz: Russell D. Hoffman
Copyright (c) Russell D. Hoffman