I told you Ray Golden was a liar, Phil!

To: "Phil Diehl" <pdiehl@nctimes.com>
From: "Russell D. Hoffman" <rhoffman@animatedsoftware.com>
Subject: I told you Ray Golden was a liar, Phil!
Cc: "Editor, NC Times" <opinion@nctimes.com>, "Bob Kahn, Op-ED editor, NC TImes" <bkahn@nctimes.com>

September 22nd, 2001

Dear Mr. Diehl,

I told you over and over and over that Ray Golden is a liar.  Now the LA Times has published an unequivocal article showing I was right.

You and your paper owe me an apology, and you also owe your readers the full truth about the dangers we are facing from San Onofre -- and about the many available renewable energy alternatives.

Everything I have been saying, and writing to you, and hoping you would publish, the public needs to know.  They need to know that the NRC was warned over three months ago by YH&OS about the dangers of airplane strikes at nuclear power plants.  They need to know that the NC Times has published lie after lie that Ray Golden told them, without bothering to check the veracity of his statements.  They need to know that the NC Times has censored the opposition viewpoint, ruthlessly and in contradistinction to the standards of journalism excellence you claim to strive for.

This is a demand not for an apology, but for truth.


Russell Hoffman
Concerned Citizen
Carlsbad, CA

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The Animated Software Company

Mail to: rhoffman@animatedsoftware.com
First posted September 22nd, 2001.

Webwiz: Russell D. Hoffman