Artist's Corner Presented by Russell D. Hoffman

Ace Hoffman presents the Artist's Corner

[Our company logo goes here]


Ace Hoffman is the owner, programmer and animator for The Animated Software Company.

This is a presentation of a select group of artists. Enjoy their work and contact them if you need them! These links either go to pages at this web site or to the artist's own home page if they have one.

Here's an organization you might want to know about...

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

Copyright (c) Sergio Aragones and CBLDF

"The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund exists to fight censorship and defend the first amendment rights of comic book professionals throughout the United States. The CBLDF's guiding principle is that comics should be accorded the same constitutional rights as literature, film, or any other form of expression." (275K JPG of Sergio Aragones' Groo and the Thought Patrol drawing for CBLDF (Copyright (c) Sergio Aragones and CBLDF. Used with permission.)

Table of Contents

The Animated Software Company
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First presented online July 18th, 1996.
Last modified MMXIX.
Webwiz: Ace Hoffman
Copyright (c) Ace Hoffman