To: "Dr. Helen Caldicott" <>, "Karl Grossman" <>
From: "Russell D. Hoffman" <>
Subject: EXCLUSIVE! Stalking the truth -- Oglesbee, Shannon, Phelps, provocateurs

May 20th, 2003

EXCLUSIVE! Stalking the truth -- Oglesbee, Shannon, Phelps, provocateurs

2) Jack Shannon on the probably qualifications of Mr. Skobrak:, and on Matt Wald
5) Meanwhile, on the nuclear weapons front, it's not like I've been ignoring Dr. Caldicott's desperate passion
6) On the other hand...
7) Jersey Political Battle
9) -- Ladies, and Gentlemen, we have a real, live stalker named Jim Hoerner (again)
10) URLS



At 11:37 AM 5/17/2003 , "Gai Oglesbee" <> wrote:
TO: "Matthew L. Wald" <>
Cc: Gai Oglesbee <>, "Russell D. Hoffman" <>, "Dr. Helen Caldicott" <>

Subject: Responsible journalism and Congresses' recent hearings/investigation of the American medias' undemocratic policies that lead to the corruption of American citizens' freedom rights

Revised by the author May 18, 2003 for clarity.

Mr. Wald:

Apparently you are unaware that there is an ongoing Congressional investigation that has begun to air on the public broadcasting TV station, C-Span, a few days ago. An investigative Congressional committee believes the medias' undemocratic policies are corrupting American citizens' freedom rights. Also, the investigation covers the ownership and control of large numbers of newspapers by certain entities.

Your system works this way. Personally, you have few choices because you take your orders from your Editor and the newspaper board. And, as long as you have a job at the New York Times (NYT), you will be expected to remain biased. Therefore, you have no choice at all which renders you wholly unprepared to report balanced information.

For instance, whatever happened to the NYT's expose' regarding the "Carlyle Group's" intent by author William Pitt and other reporters? You know, "the group" who has a plan to establish a "Third World Order." "The Project for a New American Century, or PNAC, is a group founded in 1997 that has been agitating since its inception for a war with Iraq." -- William Pit (New York Times reporter and author).

Yes, this is the same group that saw to it Bechtel/other contractors were awarded IRAQ reconstruction contracts. You know, the group that "Daddy Bush" and Vice-President Cheney were assigned executive positions. Apparently, this group and other associates plan to make billions of dollars during the planned takeover of IRAQ, Syria, other Middle East nations, etc.

Mr. Wald, what and where does "pro-nuclear" affiliation get you besides being a "dutiful" recruit who abides by your supervisor's command? Get over it! Thousands of Americans are dead and dying because of their exposures to abnormally dangerous radioactive toxins and components that adversely affected their health. Many victims are so ill and poor they can't afford to buy a copy of the NYTs. Many other victims have already died.

According to statistics, every American resides just 15 minutes from a nuclear source. In April 2000, the government leaders "admitted liability for their nuclear caretakers' negligence and abuse that caused death, disease, and suffering of untold numbers of victims and their families." During the same public acknowledgment, the government tier assumed "burden of proof" responsibility.

If nuclear anything is safe, why is the government so "hell-bent" on preventing American citizens from discovering the truth about the safety and health repercussions? I would bet $100,000 if I asked you pertinent questions about nuclear anything, you would not know how to respond.

Come on, Mr. Wald! Do you believe all Americans are stupid and don't pay attention?

"You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time."

It is my observation that as long as some Americans have a job and a simple routine to follow, far too many do stick their head in the sand and suffocate on their own lack of knowledge until the end of their lives. Why is the government concerned about "dirty bombs?" Why is the government concerned about domestic and foreign terrorist attacks? Why is the government concerned about nuclear facility security, especially since the 9/11 tragedy? Why do the government leaders fear discovery of their transgressions that a conscientious reporter would advertise?

There is no safe threshold of radiation dose. Are you willing to adopt the government agents assessment that "no harm was done to humans or the environment?" And, the government agents/scientist admit they haven't committed to research or validation regarding the human health effects caused by chemical exposures. Mr. Wald, nobody you know, including yourself, can avoid the health effects.

Sir, you are not an expert and would not be called upon in any American court to witness pertinent data. Dr. Helen Caldicott and many, many other respected science experts would be allowed to testify. Obviously, you solicit your information from novices who agree to support the US Department of Energy, US Department of Labor, US Health and Human Services - Center for Disease Control and their subsidiary, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Non-victim opportunists who compete for political and monetary gains supply too many media reporters with invalid and inaccurate opinion. These damaging inaccuracies are often published by irresponsible reporters that are too easily duped and controlled by their Editors. Sir, the victims, anti-nuclear advocates and activists you criticize volunteer their time and energy to assure that any pertinent data is gathered for the purpose of educating others.

As you evolve through life you may or may not survive your radiation/chemical exposures. Ask yourself this question. Will you be in-time or too late to understand and acknowledge the experts' findings of fact that might prolong your life or that of your loved ones?

Mr. Wald, my daughter and I are "Energy Employee Occupational Illness" (EEOIC) claimants who have "qualified" our cancer claims. The USHHS-NIOSH Oakridge Associated Universities team ($70,000,000 dose reconstruction contractor) cannot reconstruct dose. In January 2001, the CDC-NIOSH reported they could not reconstruct dose citing five reasons. During the recent public telephone conference meeting, the President's Advisory Board on Worker Health and Safety agreed by consensus that the NIOSH could not reconstruct dose and seemed to be attempting to re-instate their failed InterActive Radioactive Exposure Project (IREP) methodology. The President should have received a copy of the meeting minutes. There are currently five members of my family who battle with the effects of cancer. WE are at high risk after living in the Northwest near Hanford all our lives. For instance, I broke my hip March 30, 2003; and because I developed pneumonia in one of my lungs during routine Cat-scans/X-rays of my lungs, abnormalities are of concern. And, a suspect nodule has been diagnosed four times. Yes, the potential diagnosis of lymphoma is of concern. Consequently, I must undergo an ultra sound test procedure on June 10.

Shame on the media for not following-up on the impact that causes much more pain and suffering for the victims and their families because the EEOIC is so dysfunctional and flawed by now. The US Department of Labor Secretary, Elaine Chao did not want the responsibility for administration of the EEOICPA. Consequently, Peter Tursic, Secretary Chao's second in command who reports to Shelby Hallmark (EEOIC director), are allowed to perform their duties in a very poor manner. And, the President and his Advisory Board on Worker's Health and Safety are aware of the impact caused by this reality.

By "unsubscribing" to the source of information you were privy too, where do you expect to find your sources, now? I am the co-chair of a National Alliance. Your presence is an insult to the victims who have died, their families, and thousands of other victims who are suffering with their radiation/chemical wounds.

Obviously, you take the anti-nuclear science professionals' work in progress for granted that would benefit you if and/or when you or your loved ones fall victim to radiation and chemical pollution.

Think about it! Who will even remember you or your adversarial work in 50 years besides members of your own family?

Gai Oglesbee, National Independent Advocate
Occupationally Injured Waste Cleanup Worker - Downwinder
Co-Chair National Nuclear Workers for Justice
Lead Member NW Alliance and Coalition
Honorary Member of Press
EEOIC Claimant

2) Jack Shannon on the probably qualifications of Mr. Skobrak:, and on Matt Wald:

At 10:20 AM 5/14/2003 , wrote:

Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 13:20:40 EDT
Subject: Re: Correspondences with Dr. Helen Caldicott, Stanley Thompson, John Skobra (...


It is a pretty good bet that that Mr Skobrak has about 20 years as a
switch puller on a nuclear sub or surface ship
Prior to that exciting job he probably attended a high school level course in
nuclear physics and than learned how to pull the various switches and watch
certain instruments on a nuclear vessel.

I can tell you for a fact that the nuclear navy clowns are more dangerous to
the nuclear industry than any single group of people. They know just enough
to snow a layman about nuclear power, but not enough to understand the
dangers of the technology. The information being taught at the nuclear power
schools is, furthermore, technically incorrect.

I wonder if he realized that nuclear powered subs and surface ships have no
containment vessels, either in or out of port. The subs, furthermore have no
emergency core cooling systems in or out of port. He might want to explain
what happens if one of our subs or ships sinks in a harbor and exposes
thousands of people to millions of REM of radiation. Does he understand that
refueling is done in port with the reactor open to the environment? What
happens if an accident occurs while the refueling is being performed?

Last night I watched the evolution of navy nuclear power, as per the navy's
propaganda. One would get the idea that the navy was involved in the
technical details of all of the aspects of the nuclear navy. The fact of the
matter is that the navy people had little if anything to do with the nuclear
power work on navy vessels, including that "  . . . wonderfully brilliant
Admiral Rickover." The work was done by GE and Westinghouse scientists and
engineers and the navy was in the way most of the time.

Mr. Skobrak might like to explain what would happen at the Kesselring
Prototype operation if one of the two remaining plants had a loss of coolant
accident or a breach of the mockup of the ship/sub hulls. All hell would
break lose and everyone on site would be killed outright. Hundreds, if not
thousands, of people would be killed within the ten mile area surrounding the

Please Mr Skobrak spare me the expertise of nuclear navy folk. None of
you are sufficiently trained to talk about nuclear power in any technical
depth, and most of you don't have a clue about the dangers associated with
the business.

The only people more dangerous than the nuclear navy people in the nuclear
business are those people in the DOE/NRC who are charged with overseeing the
nuclear industry. We all know how incompetent they are and soon enough we
will find out how truly corrupt they are.

John P. Shannon
Reactor Physicist [Designed the D1G Core 2 Plant]
Nuclear Engineer
Manager of Nuclear Safety at KAPL
web site
Three letters of commendation, one management award, one $100,000 technical
improvement award
All of the work was done at KAPL until I exposed a $100,000,000 asbestos mess.
I than found out how corrupt as well as unsafe the industry is.


Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 13:27:43 EDT
Subject: Re: Correspondence from Matt Wald, Helen Caldicott, Ellen Thomas, Judith John...

I am astounded at Matt Wald's new position. I met him several times in the
late 80's and early 90' and he was very much opposed to Nuclear Power
Jack Shannon



Retire the space shuttle, designer says

Associated Press

Human spaceflight should be stopped until a better vehicle than the current shuttle is produced, one of the most honored U.S. space engineers told the Los Angeles Times.

MAX FAGET, 81, director of engineering for human spacecraft design at NASA for 20 years, called for the change in a telephone interview from his Houston home. His comments come two months after the space shuttle Columbia ruptured and exploded during re-entry over Texas, killing all seven astronauts aboard.

His remarks represent the first public statement from the team of elite engineers who helped build the U.S. space program, and echo similar calls from legislators and space policy experts. All contend the shuttle is not worth saving, citing age and maintenance costs for the remaining vehicles in the fleet.

Faget designed the Mercury space capsule and had a hand in designing every other U.S. human launch system, including the space shuttle and the Apollo and Gemini spacecraft. He is a member of the Ohio-based National Inventor's Hall of Fame and has won almost every commendation that exists for engineers.

"The bottom line is that the shuttle is too old," Faget said. "It would be very difficult to make sure it is in good shape. We ought to just stop going into space until we get a good vehicle. If we aren't willing to spend the money to do that, then we should be ashamed of ourselves."

The Boeing Co. is said to be studying two options for building a derivative of the shuttle that could arrive within three years. Meanwhile, as experts debate the future of the existing shuttle vehicles, NASA has used the Russian Soyuz capsule to get back and forth to the international space station.

The Soyuz had its own problem earlier this month when a three-man crew returning from the space station landed hundreds of miles off course.

Faget criticized use of the Soyuz.

"It is like going down the highway and thumbing a ride," he said. "You can do it, but it isn't the best way to get around. It is really admitting defeat."

NASA officials did not directly respond to Faget's comments, but noted that the shuttle has changed since it was first designed.

© 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

MSNBC Terms, Conditions and Privacy ©2003



MAY 20TH, 2003

Dear Readers,

I'm absolutely positive that all four nuclear power plants in California can be closed by public referendum THIS YEAR.  Actually THIS MONTH.  ACTUALLY TODAY.

Of course, it would take a small miracle, but IF all the state's media would just ONCE fairly cover a SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION by the world's top nuclear scientists, it would happen.

A sampling of the horrific facts that will surface has appeared in this newsletter in the past few issues.  Hundreds of years of technical experience has been summarized by the scientists themselves, in just a few paragraphs.

It's a horrific tale one can scarcely believe is true.  But is IS all true!  Nuclear Power Kills!  And it's time -- high time -- that we start getting these plants shut.  Starting in California.  Starting today.  Today we need to force the admission of culpability for the potential deaths of MILLIONS upon the owners, and upon the state regulators who refuse to "get involved" and shut the plants down themselves, (as they are commanded BY LAW to do (though they'll CLAIM, erroneously, that they have no jurisdiction)), and upon the employees of the plants.  All are culpable. Also, the local governments which BUY THE NUCLEAR-BASED ELECTRICITY are culpable.

Culpable of conspiracy to obstruct democracy.  Culpable of ignoring overwhelming scientific evidence.  Culpable of fabricating engineering fantasies.  Culpable of denying the rights of citizens to present the truth and to have only the truth presented back to them -- nuclear proponents lie and make up ridiculous "facts" with impunity!

"Statements made by the public affairs officer of a NRC licensee are not regulated activities.  Therefore, the veracity of such statements will not be investigated by the NRC." -- Comment in a registered letter from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Russell D. Hoffman, March 30th, 2002.

All we -- the people -- would need to shut down nuclear power in California is the chance to have a public vote on it, with our side getting fair media time and column inches.

And WITHOUT illegal government and industry interference!  No more spies!  No more infiltrators!  No more provocateurs!  No more lies!
Those readers who are Californians have probably figured this out too.  For one thing, one of you gave me the idea in a phone conversation a few days ago.  I've realized you're absolutely right.


We, here in California, have the public mindset to do it.  What we don't have is leadership that will attempt to get the job done.  This is because of a highly organized effort on the part of the Nuclear Mafia to hobble us with minutia.  This has got to stop.  There is only one reasonable goal for all Californians now -- shut the plants down.  A shut nuclear power plant quickly becomes much less vulnerable to earthquakes, human error, terrorism, poor construction, old age, etc.  We could even move the hottest of the spent fuel BACK INTO THE CONTAINMENT DOME instead of storing it OUTSIDE THE DOMES in dry casks (coming soon to both Diablo Canyon AND San Onofre) and in those overloaded spent fuel pools.  Because of the spent fuel, the sites will still be extremely vulnerable after the plants are closed, but at least we'll have taken a significant first step.  And once the plants are no longer PRODUCING radioactive waste (at the rate of about 250 lbs per day per reactor) we can begin to deal with the waste problem rationally.

Since 9-11, everyone with a lick of sense knows the radioactive crap is going to be released sooner or later if we don't change our situation.  It will be fanned out across our beautiful countryside, inundating our seashores, and it will be spread across our cities -- it will be the plague from hell.

Instead, the plants should be shut down, and this moment must come soon, before boat-launched Al Qeada and/or Bin Ladin and/or Baath Party and/or Palistinian terrorists from London and/or some nut with a case full of grenades attacks the plants.

Perhaps the approach will be from underwater.  Perhaps it will be by air.  Perhaps four simultaneous truck bombs will explode near the power generators, control room, cooling pipes (all vital to the operation of the plant and to prevent a meltdown), and in the spent fuel pools.

Four truck bombs doesn't seem so unlikely today now, does it?

Four boats.

Four planes.

Four laser-guided, GPS-guided, or ribbon-wire-guided flechettes dropped from hot-air balloons.

It's not if.  It's not how.  It's WHEN. 

Californians can protect downwinders across America by closing our nukes, since the prevailing winds all go across the country after entering the United States on the west coast.  So by closing our nukes, we will be doing a very patriotic thing.  Washington will oppose us vigorously, but it will still be the patriotic thing to do.

Let's just do it.

Let's get rolling.

Let's lead instead of follow.


Russell D. Hoffman,
Founder, SAND
Standing Against Nuclear Deception
Carlsbad, CA

5) Meanwhile, on the nuclear weapons front, it's not like I've been ignoring Dr. Caldicott's desperate passion:

Note: The student shown below had inquired about whether I would agree to an interview, but had neglected to provide a working return email address.  He figured out the problem himself, and this email picks up the correspondence with the actual questions. -- rdh

At 04:46 PM 5/2/2003 , Joel (a high-school student) wrote:


Well, I have come up with a few questions and here they are:

   What are the long term effects of  nuclear weapons?

[[[ Cancer, leukemia, birth defects, heart disease, inability to think clearly, political strife, continuous war, lying to the public, false hopes, scare tactics, abuse of power, technical dishonesty, scientific fraud, increased public/federal debt, fratricide, homicide, and suicide -- especially, global suicide. -- rdh ]]]

   How does a nuclear bomb work? Just the basics, without the nuclear
physics and such.

[[[Take a hunk of radioactive material -- usually Uranium and/or Plutonium -- be sure to use the right isotopes or it will just be a "dirty bomb! -- and add pressure and/or heat!  When you have enough heat and/or pressure, the Uranium and/or Plutonium will "go critical".  Neutrons fly all around, knocking out other neutrons -- changing the chemical structure of the material as it does this, and it happens so fast and so violently, that all structures, people, everything around it is destroyed in the ensuing outbursts of energy -- in the form of light, heat, radiation (a blast of gamma rays goes out for miles and miles), and pressure -- boom!  The more heat and/or pressure you have available -- if only for an instant -- the less material (Uranium and/or Plutonium) you need to have on hand in one place, to be able to create a "criticality event". Theoretically, you could get down to where you can make just a tiny amount of "fissile material" go critical -- perhaps some day nanotechnology and directed laser beams will be able to make microscopic quantities of fissile material go boom.  This is not a good thing.  Right now, you need a few score of pounds of fissile material to make something "go boom" with today's conventional explosives technology, and other technological hurdles.  (The conventional explosions push two piles of material together very quickly and very tightly, this causes a criticality.)   One word of caution:  Don't try this at home (and don't try it at school, either!). -- rdh ]]]

   Which countries are known to have nukes, and/or weapons of mass
destruction (if you know.)

[[[ The U.S., China, Russia, England, France, India, and Pakistan are all known to have them; Israel pretends they don't but everyone seems to know better -- they reportedly have about 300 nukes, making them third on the list after Russia and the U.S., and ahead of France, fourth with about 200 nukes.  South Africa gave them up, as did several former Russian States.  Brazil and Argentina both abandoned nuclear weapons projects before completion. North Korea says they have them; and if the U.S. Administration refuses to say they believe it, they'll test one for sure sooner or later, because you can make one out of most forms of nuclear reactor so-called "spent fuel" waste if you want to, so if you have the nuclear waste, you have a good opportunity for making a nuclear bomb.  There are currently over 430 commercial reactors worldwide, in dozens of countries.  There are 103 in the U.S. (102 if you don't count South Texas Project, which probably won't be running again for years, if ever).  As for other WMDs, many of them can be created on any farm, but the number of people you can infect is probably much lower than if you attack a nuclear power plant.  Other "advantages" of attacking a nuclear power plant include massive financial losses, which wouldn't be nearly so severe with most of the disease-style attacks.  While it's true that millions of people might die in a smallpox or Anthrax attack, after those types of attacks, sooner or later the country would be back on its feet again. But the pain and suffering from a reactor meltdown would go on and on and on for centuries.  It should be noted that the reactor owners would not be liable, legally or financially, for at least 99.9% of the costs their reactors would cause. -- rdh ]]] 

   What are some interesting facts about nuclear weapons.

[[[ The explosions are multi-spectral not only in the radiation bands, but in the visible bands as well, and apparently no photograph can do them justice.  Those who have seen them are, apparently, mesmerized by the image, and they want to see it again and again and again.  The Army designed hundreds of different A-bomb tests, just to be sure exactly what the effects would be.  On buildings.  On boats.  On vehicles.  On mice.  On pigs.  On more four-legged creatures than you can possibly imagine (millions)!  On their own troops. The one effect they didn't bother to study carefully was the long-term effects of low-level radiation poisoning -- both to the troops themselves (whose doses were either poorly kept, not kept at all, guesstimated later, or in many cases, recorded in two sets of books, one real and one imaginary,  the real one never having come to light to this day, but it's known to have been created) and to the outlying public -- the so-called "downwinders" -- which is all of us, of course. -- rdh ]]]

   Also, do you know anything about chemical and biological weapons, if you
do, I would have some more questions for you.

[[[ Yes, I suppose I have some information on those topics, but if you don't mind, I'd rather stick to nuclear issues, because I've concluded (having considered the consequences of various other illegal and immoral weapons) that nuclear weapons are the "Holy Grail" of the terrorists, and it is the type of attack we should most fear.  Why?  Because for one thing, it's the only one of the three (Nuclear, Chemical, Biological) which American military doctrine had not rejected, and says we will use -- possibly even in a "first strike".  In the other instances, we've stated that we reject chemical and biological warfare.  Since we've "agreed" to retaliate to nuclear with nuclear, then a nuclear attack becomes "fair game" in the attacker's mind, assuming, of course, that the attacker believes their war against us is just.  Of course, we'll disagree, and think they shouldn't be fighting us at all, but the question is not: Why are we fighting? but rather, "what weapons will be used?". -- rdh ]]]

Thank you so much for your help, and if I come up with any more questions, I
will be sure to ask you.

[[[ I hope I can answer them! You ask hard questions!  Are you studying to be a lawyer or something?!?  Whatever it is, keep up the good work! -- rdh ]]]

Joel .......

[[[ THANKS! -- Russell D. Hoffman, Carlsbad, CA ]]]


The above email was followed by:

Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 17:25:42 -0700
Subject: Re: Nuclear Effects
From: Joel
To: "Russell D. Hoffman" <>

Hi Russell

Thank you so very much for your time and interesting information, it helped
me a lot. I gave my speech on the topic, and the class was very interested.
Thank you again.


6) On the other hand...

It's been reported to me by a college student on a campus in the East that the campus is being plastered with leaflets posted anonymously declaring the virtues of nuclear power and the insanity of "environmentalists".  Of course, Thomas Jefferson was an environmentalist.  George Washington was an Environmentalist.  All the rest of them wanted to preserve the country for posterity, too -- that makes them ALL environmentalists!  Because that's all most environmentalists really want, too!  -- rdh 
7) Jersey Political Battle:

At 10:13 AM 5/15/2003 , wrote:

Re: [JerseyShoreNuclearWatch] Dover  Township Joins Campaign for  Oyster CreekEvacuation Study

Subject: [JerseyShoreNuclearWatch] Dover  Township Joins Campaign for  Oyster CreekEvacuation Study


The following letter  was sent to the  Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC by Township of Dover Mayor John F. Russo Jr.OWNSYH

"April 16, 2003

Honorable Tom Ridge, Secretary
Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Re:  Security and Evacuation Concerns at Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant
       Lacey Township, New Jersey

Dear Secretary Ridge:

     I write this letter on behalf of the Township Committee of the Township of Dover, in the State of New Jersey.  The Township of Dover is a community of approximately 90,000 residents located at the beautiful Jersey Shore.  We are also located approximately ten (10) miles to the north of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, located in the Township of Lacey.  The power plant is owned and operated by the Exelon Corporation.

     I wish to bring to your attention recent events which cause us grave concerns regarding Oyster Creek's operation.  News 12 New Jersey, a cable news station, recently had a news crew enter the grounds of the nuclear power plant and shoot film footage without being detected by security.  Its unimpeded access to the parking lot and loading dock area, which is only 500 feet from the plant's reactor, is disturbing.  It seems to us that the presence of armed guards is necessary to deter potential terrorists.  We are quite concerned about the company's commitment to security given the foregoing.

     We are also concerned about the current evacuation plan.  Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch has researched this matter and has determined that the existing plan is inadequate and based on an outdated 1990 census.  (Our area has grown tremendously in the last decade).  Among other things, there are not sufficient roads for a timely evacuation.

     We urge you to review the concerns we have and institute a comprehensive review of the present security and evacuation plans to ensure that our residents are protected in the event of a terrorist attack.

     We thank you for your efforts in protecting our country in this difficult time and are fully confident that you will respond to our concerns in a timely manner.

     Thank you for your attention to this matter.

John F. Russo Jr.

cc:     Governor James E. McGreevey
        9th District Legislators
        10th District Legislators
        30th District Legislators
        New Jersey State Senators
        Nuclear Regulatory Commission
        New Jersey State Police
        Ocean County Emergency Management
        Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch
        Dover Township Emergency Management
        Dover Township Committee"



At 10:13 AM 5/15/2003 , posted:

Re: [DOEWatch] NUCLEAR LOOTERS ON LOOSE ----  HEU may be on the loose

<A HREF=""></A>



May 14, 2003 -- Looters have plundered seven atomic sites in Iraq that
contained deadly nuclear materials, radioactive waste and biohazards, U.S.
officials admitted yesterday - saying it is impossible to tell how much is
missing from the plants or who has run off with what.
In one case, impoverished villagers carted away barrels filled with
radioactive waste to use them to store drinking water, tomatoes and milk,
witnesses said.

In another case, hundreds of biologically modified flies were set loose by
looters stealing air-conditioning units.

Worse, officials fear the country's most dangerous nuclear technologies may
now be beyond anyone's knowledge and control.

Not a single one of the sites associated with Iraq's nuclear program, which
are being checked out by a U.S. Special Forces unit and eight Pentagon
nuclear experts, was left intact in the chaos that followed Saddam Hussein's

But because the tyrant hid information about what was at the sites, the
special unit says it's hard to know exactly what has gone - and what could be
used by terrorists.

At Iraq's main Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site near Kut, looters stripped the plant
bare of computers, furniture and equipment.

Before the war, U.N. weapons inspectors catalogued tons of enriched uranium -
suitable for making nuclear weapons - at the site. It is unknown how much has
been taken, but a U.S. Army unit reported a door to one of the nuclear
storage areas had been breached April 10. Since then, scores of Iraqi
civilians have poured in.

The special nuclear team had been desperate to inspect the site for weeks but
was delayed by an ongoing conflict between the United States and the
International Atomic Energy Agency about how much to involve the IAEA in
Iraq, they said.

Meanwhile, villagers living near the site made off with metal drums that were
used to store deadly spent fuel.

"Tons of uranium, known as yellow cakes, were stored in barrels," one Iraqi
scientist, Dr. Hamid Al-Bahali, told Iraqi TV. He said the barrels had
appeared all over the region being used to store water, milk and cooking

Another scientist warned of an environmental disaster after looters released
hundreds of screw-worm flies that were being bred by Iraq's nuclear
authorities to be used as "biological farming insecticides."


------------------------ Yahoo! -----------------------~->

The Magnum-Opus Project---The Mission: To do a greater good.
Righting the wrongs of the Manhattan Project's deceit and treachery national security methods using openness and accountability.
DOE Watch List--Where toxic health damage is not a mystery.
A news list combined with scientific studies to expose the problems.  The list is a free learning and teaching forum under title 17.
DOE Watch OR Web page:
Rocky Flats EIN page:

Insoluble toxic metals and fluorides, via a pneumonia like dust in lung process, concentrate in lymph nodes and cause foreign body granuloma damage to node macrophages, leading to false cytokine stimulation, then rising viral waste damage to mitochondria, and this leading to illnesses.  See the analysis at

In the 1980's, Oak Ridge managers established a national alliance of DOE friendly supplanted activists and old DOE scientists to mislead gullible fluoride affected sick workers and communities in order to fabricate a health mystery and avoid the extreme liabilities of the fluorides health damage to uranium gas diffusion chemical plant workers and communities.  Don't let DOE and its minions stone wall known disease processes known for millennia and involved in religion icon imagery.

Your use of Yahoo!

9) -- Ladies, and Gentlemen, we have a real, live stalker named Jim Hoerner (again):

Dear Readers,

We have a real, live STALKER in our midst!

Jim Hoerner's intimidations would be laughable if they weren't so targeted.  If I disappear or am harmed in any way, I'm sure he's the first person police would look at with suspicion.  The real question is, why does he feel free to behave like that?

The reason is because the Nuclear Mafia actually IS that brazen and arrogant.

As can be seen from some of the correspondence included in this email (below), I am not the only person attacked by Hoerner.  When Hoerner calls me derogatory names, he degrades himself.  Why would he sully his name that way?  How could whatever compensation he receives -- whether monetary or merely praise from others -- be enough for him to suggest, under the THIN VEIL of "humor", that other people (me, to be specific) should hold nuclear waste in their hands?  I see nothing funny in Hoerner's death threats.  He's a sick man.

If the media finds it hard to find anti-nukers who will speak on camera, it's probably because of intimidation like Hoerner's.  That's what such intimidation is designed to do, of course -- get people  to "sit down and shut up".  The pro-nukers are only doing to me what they've done to thousands of people before me, who saw the danger and madness of what we are doing, and tried to speak out against it.

I suspect Hoerner know's he'll never get Caldicott, Gofman, Thompson, Johnsrun, Shannon, or any of the other scientific giants to slosh in the mud with him.  He wouldn't stand a chance against any of them.

We should all be proud that we have forced the nuclear industry to find creeps like Hoerner to do their dirty work.  Because his actions are very, very dirty, it means the nuclear industry is very, very scared.  Most animals fight meanest when they are losing.

It's been dirty pool from the get-go.

First they lie about the finances of what will happen if we use nuclear -- energy too cheap to meter.  Then they lie about the operational efficiency of the process, by "cooking the books" and not calculating a proper value for accidents, spent fuel storage, protection from terrorists (that's the military's economic burden, NOT the nuclear power plants, except for a few rent-a-cops), then they lie about the health risks (Dr. Caldicott has stated that the risk of DNA damage to a fetus is at least 100 times the risk to an adult.  But just try to get any pro-nuker to admit it.).

Pro-nukers lie about everything.  I think right now they are lying about how secure they feel about everything.

Recently, it was reported that Max Faget, one of the most renowned rocket and space capsule designers, now retired and 81 years old, has stated that he believes we should abandon the shuttle and not go into space anymore until we have a new vehicle for doing so.  (MS-NBC, Keith Olbermann, May 16th, 2003.)

This means he does not believe the Titan is safe enough to launch humans, or he would have suggested we simply switch.  Of course, no human in their right mind would go up in a Titan rocket, because their record is extremely poor, even for NASA rockets.  Yet this same rocket was used to launch Cassini, with its 72.3 pounds of plutonium poison dioxide on board, in 1997.  No citizen could stop it, though some of us tried.

Our nuke plants are old and rickety, too.  And I can find a dozen people who formerly had stature in the nuclear industry equivalent to that of Max Faget's in the space industry, who can tell you these plants need to be shut down.  But instead of being respected and quoted on the nightly news, they are ignored by the media and ridiculed by the pro-nukers.  And blocked from sitting on any important commissions.  And harassed.  And denounced, without any justification.  And fired from their jobs, intimidated, robbed of tenures and pensions.

This deadly game can only end one way:  A meltdown.  If nothing else will stop the arrogance and power of the pro-nukers, a meltdown is going to happen.  It nearly did several times since 9-11, without any help from any terrorists except the ones in suits who work at the plants and at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which lets the plants operate and prevents all other government agencies -- including local, state, and national agencies -- from any meaningful involvement.

If the government doesn't actually hire Hoerner and Gagnon and so forth, I'm sure they know who does.


Russell D. Hoffman
Concerned Citizen
Carlsbad, CA


At 07:25 PM 5/16/2003 , "Jim Hoerner" <> wrote:
Hiya, Wuss (sowwy, but my 'R' key is bwoken and I don't feel like cutting and pasting it evewywhewe, so I am using 'W')

P.S.  I love your show.


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Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

From:   John Jacobus <crispy_bird@y...>
Date:  Wed May 14, 2003  4:26 pm
Subject:  Re: [Know_Nukes] FW: Dr: Helen Caldicott > Hitler!

I will let you in on a little secret.  The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was made from processed uranium.  It was not made from material obtained from a reactor.  So stopping nuclear reactor operations will not prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

Know_Nukes Relay <> wrote:
From:  "Russell D. Hoffman" <rhoffman@a...>
Date:  Sat May 10, 2003  10:20 am
-- Dr. Robert F. Bourque, DOE/LANL

May 10th, 2003

Dear Readers,

Worrying about nuclear weapons in preference to nuclear power is backwards.

First, the nuclear power plants produce the material for nuclear
weapons. If we "cut off the spigot", eventually they'll be UNABLE to build
more nuclear weapons -- at least until they figure out a new source for the
bomb material.
. . .

-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist


John Jacobus, makes a minor point, because while it's true that with a gazzillion-dollar, 2,000,000 square-foot, gaseous diffusion plant you could make an atom bomb without using the output of a nuclear power plant, without that processing plant, and the mine to dig the useless ore out of the ground, and several other layers of industry, you're out of luck.  You can't simply pan for atomic weapons in the local stream. -- rdh


Mailing-List: list; contact
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 08:51:35 EDT
Subject: Re: [DOEWatch] Correspondences with Dr. Helen Caldicott, Stanley Thompson, Jo...

In a message dated 05/14/2003 5:03:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Based on a design course I taught to engineers at Oak
 Ridge National Laboratory, I wrote the book, "Thermal Power from Nuclear
 Reactors" (John Wiley, 1956). >>

Hi Russell,

    Interesting that you've found a notable ORNL author, Stanley Thompson,
who "went bad" on the ORNL reactor PR games.   Seems like I have his book

   Yes, nuke power plants can run weapons plutonium production cycles.  
Which means proliferation of NPP's can enable weapons plutonium production.  
This appears what is going on with North Korea.

   The US NPP's run high nuke fuel burn up cycles, which makes too much
higher order Pu isotopes.    But they can optimize the fuel burn time to
change fuel loads when the Pu-239 is optimized.

   I think your on target and realistic with the observation that the
movement is undergoing some stronger infiltration by industry PR types. 
Hoerner is a prime example.  He is obviously very well schooled in the
nuclear sciences, very nuke industry involved, and very pro-nuke
militant---to the point of playing more nuclear power PR games then telling
the real risks and vulnerabilities.   Hoerner and his ilk seem to push new
reactors like the pebble-bed design, which is real simple to make optmized
and remove weapons grade irradiated fuel elements.

  Hoerner appears to be one of the premier examples of the nuke PR hacks
invading nuke lists and causing upset, trouble, and often division.   It
sounds like he has been tossed off many nuke lists, only to change his email
and sign back on lists.   So, he typically gets tossed off lists several

  There are others in the movement that are much more subtile and harder to
spot.  Oak Ridge is a hot bed for this sort of thing.

So, to also acknowledge your querry here:
"Do you believe there are NO spies, NO infiltrators, NO agent provocateurs
-- none of those creeps -- in ANY leading positions in the anti-nuclear
movements in America?"

I also used to work for ORNL and well know they intentionally have set up
fake activists and groups to run interference on their behalf.  Oak Ridge is
hell bent to hide the massive fluorides health problems and there is a boat
load of intentional misinformation out there.  This has been going on for
decades.  To not acknowledge this goes on, would be folly.  It is running
ramped on email lists and in public activism groups around the country.

I agree with your raising the awareness flags.

Jim Phelps

------------------------ Yahoo!

The Magnum-Opus Project---The Mission: To do a greater good.
Righting the wrongs of the Manhattan Project's deceit and treachery national security methods using openness and accountability.
DOE Watch List--Where toxic health damage is not a mystery.
A news list combined with scientific studies to expose the problems.  The list is a free learning and teaching forum under title 17.
DOE Watch OR Web page:
Rocky Flats EIN page:

Insoluble toxic metals and fluorides, via a pneumonia like dust in lung process, concentrate in lymph nodes and cause foreign body granuloma damage to node macrophages, leading to false cytokine stimulation, then rising viral waste damage to mitochondria, and this leading to illnesses.  See the analysis at

In the 1980's, Oak Ridge managers established a national alliance of DOE friendly supplanted activists and old DOE scientists to mislead gullible fluoride affected sick workers and communities in order to fabricate a health mystery and avoid the extreme liabilities of the fluorides health damage to uranium gas diffusion chemical plant workers and communities.  Don't let DOE and its minions stone wall known disease processes known for millennia and involved in religion icon imagery.



Mailing-List: list; contact
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 10:07:21 EDT
Subject: Re: [DOEWatch] Corresp... [US Com NPP and Plut Prod for Bombs]

In a message dated 05/16/2003 9:56:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< I had heard that Public Law 97-415 has prevented commercial power plants in the US
 from being used for the purpose of producing plutonium for weapons.  I view this with
 some cynicism, because obviously the proliferation of plants also means a
 corresponding proliferation of plutonium, guarantees that the US will be the world
 leader in plutonium production in the end.

US NPP's all run high fuel burn up cycles, which does not make weapons grade
plutonium.   The high burn up makes for too much Pu-241.    Normally the IAEA
inspectors do this sort of checking in other countries, looking at the fuel
burn up and looking for fuel element diversions.    But the problem is, where
ever there is a NPP there is the science to make weapons grade Pu.     And
some will expliot this, some will not.   North Korea sounds like they have.  
Iraq was going too--till 1991.

 Of course the Bush admin is pushing to overturn this (where exactly I am not sure- I
 would imagine in the Defense Authorization Act or something).  I think it was right after
 sept 11th that the administration announced it was going to use Watts Bar for
 plutonium production again- about the time they pushed forward with what I believe
 was a Clinton plan to produce more tritium from commercial NPP to replace aging H3
 in existing bombs.
The movement by DOE to make more tritium came from the simple issue that the
tritium decay was set to not be able to keep the weapons stockpiles fueled
with tritium, even using all that was recycled from weapons stockpile
reduction.   Using TVA for tritium production was well in design long before

 Could someone elaborate on the legal aspects of this or clarify a little

------------------------ Yahoo


Mailing-List: list; contact
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 00:10:39 EDT
Subject: [DOEWatch] Information request

Hello Nuke interest folks,

  I am looking for information about a person named "Jim Hoerner," who runs
the list called "know_nukes."   Hoerner appears to try to joint every nuclear
list he can find and has been kicked off of what sounds like many of them for
what appears being too militant.   Hoerner is very knowledgable in the
nuclear domain, and this level of knowledge only comes from much association
and training in this area.

   Hoerner likes to make himself the resident expert on many nuclear lists,
but offers no information about how he is the expert.   These expert
opionions of his attempt to influence the public on nuclear activities.   The
question is why is he doing this so widely and spending so much time on it.

  I'd like to know how many of the nuclear lists he has been kicked off of
and why.  I'd also like to know his affiliations: ie schools, work,
education, past employers.   This to try to understand why there appears to
be a campaign, which sometimes involves several joining him on other lists in
promoting nukes.

   Mr. Hoerner seems to be abusing yahoo group lists by using multiple lists
as ad's, list examples:  pro-nuke, pronuclear, pro-nuclear, pronuke, anti
nuclear, antinuclear, anti-nuke, nuclear-nuclear-nuclear, nuclear all topics.
   These list titles are tied up and prevent the creation of real nuke lists
with those names.

  Mr. Hoerner also appears to be faking up yahoo similar name profiles to
harass persons, example:

   If any of you folks out there in the nuclear activism world have some
information on this person, please Email me.


Jim Phelps



Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 19:05:47 EDT
Subject: Re: [DOEWatch] Information request

In a message dated 05/16/2003 11:41:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Hi Jim,
 EF! is an Earth First list on Yahoo.  Hoerner evidently joined just so he
 could post his "humorous" (his description) answer to my recent San Onofre
 Quiz (leading credence to the idea that he's employed by San Onofre
 somehow, as Bob Nichols has speculated).
Check the new page on Hoerner and pass it around

Humor to Hoerner is usually an insult of some sort.

 Below is the more recent post on that forum which I presume is from him,
 and my response.  Note that it was delivered as being from
 "earthfirstalert", not a specific person.  (Actually, I don't know how
 that's done, but I'm sure I could learn!) >>
Yeah the yahoo lists support the Poll thing----it is done by logging onto the
yahoo list page and setting up the Poll.    The interesting thing about the
Poll mode is it by-passes the moderation mode------so if he is being
moderated-----this will skip past the list moderator.

I just did that to his list not too long ago looking for who he is connected
with.   Guess he wanted to try it on EF.


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Please forward unedited and complete, especially to government entities.

Thank you in advance.

Russell Hoffman,
founder and editor
NKS newsletter
