To: "Tyson Slocum" <>, <>, <>, "Karl Grossman" <>, "Paul Gunter" <>, "Sara Barczak" <>, "PROGRESSIVE REVIEW" <>
From: "Russell D. Hoffman" <>
Subject: Putting lipstick on a pig...
Cc: <>,
In-Reply-To: <>
Mr. Slocum,
I am absolutely justified in criticizing Public Citizen for attending the Nuclear Renaissance conference, and I have every right to do so as publicly or as privately as I choose.
Someone at Public Citizen should be addressing the reasoning behind Public Citizen's bizarre decision to stand apart from the rest of the movement on this issue, and attend this disgusting, biased pep rally for nuclear proponents. I'm glad to hear you're going to shout, jump, dance, sing and whatever while you're there, but that isn't what this line of criticism has been about. It's about putting lipstick on a pig. You've continually twisted my comments in order to avoid this issue.
The other comments I showed you are largely negated in intensity and justification as long as it's a fair, balanced meeting. Your attendance, which the writers obviously all overlooked in their condemnation of Meserve's attendance, adds a veneer of apparent balance, needed by the media (and by the NRC to legitimize Meserve's attendance). By this action, Public Citizen smites four livid activists, whose comments I have presented to you, and it smites me, and it smites every other legitimate pro-DNA activist on the planet.
Public Citizen should address the CONTENT of my complaint -- that your attendance is the ONLY thing legitimizing this shameful meeting. Why is Public Citizen lending their name to the Nuclear Renaissance meeting, thus enhancing its credibility in the eyes of the pubic and the media? In fact, your attendance is the only thing that could possibly increase the legitimacy of the meeting above a big fat ZERO.
You say you'll be shouting. What's so different about that? We all shout; nobody listens.
For shame, Tyson Slocum, for shame.
Russell Hoffman
Concerned Citizen
Carlsbad, CA
At 03:20 PM 8/8/02 , "Tyson Slocum" <> wrote:
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Our precious DNA is being threatened by this
Dear Mr. Hoffman,
Public Citizen is absolutely justified in attending the conference. While we are there, we will be vocal critics of the nuclear industry, standing up and shouting from a stage (instead of from the audience, or from a picket out front, as we usually do). As I said before, Public Citizen takes many different approaches in our challenges to the nuclear industry, but every approach we take is unified in the goal of eliminating nuclear power from this earth. By no means are we compromising our agenda, our goals, or our values by opting to criticize the industry as members of a panel. I understand that you disagree with us, but that does not give you the right to personally attack me or my organization!
And I didn't say that the "NRC loves to watch us bicker." That was written by Dustin Johnson in the subject line of one of his emails.
Mr. Hoffman, I wish you peace. Please don't send me any more emails. I have indeed become quite shaken and upset at how much anger you direct towards me. Kindly reserve such rage at the nuclear industry, not your allies.
Tyson Slocum
Public Citizen