STOP CASSINI Newsletter #229 -- November 20th, 1999
Copyright (c) 1999
STOP CASSINI Newsletters Index
To: Subscribers, government officials, members of the press
From: Russell David Hoffman (indubitably doubtful)
Re: John Hallam speaks out on Bennett, Yahoo, and EP: STOP CASSINI #229
Date: November 20th, 1999
This issue's subjects:
- (1) John Hallam: Yahoo, Bennett, *BOTH* got EUROPARL Resolution Wrong!
- (2) French, German reactor safety questioned by Jan Wyllie
- (3) FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Why is all this happening, if there's nothing to worry about?
- (4) Marvin Lewis tries to ask Koskinen a question or two -- but it's not allowed!
- (5) Tell Clinton how you feel -- Official government contact points
- (6) Newsletter subscription information
- (7) Newsletter Authorship notes and additional URLs
(1) John Hallam: Yahoo, Bennett, *BOTH* got EUROPARL Resolution Wrong!:
Here is an important follow-up on the lead item of the last newsletter (#228) and fourth item of #227. We thank John Hallam for sending out this clarification and for all his excellent work. -- rdh
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 15:13:48 +1000
From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign <>
Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Bernd Frieboese" <>,,
"Ernst Guelcher" <>,
"Sabine Meyer" <>,
"Grattan Healy" <>
Mailing-List: contact
Subject: [y2k-nuclear] Yahoo, Bennett, *BOTH* got EUROPARL Resolution Wrong! (Did Yahoo mislead Bennett?)
John Hallam
Friends of the Earth Sydney,
17 Lord street, Newtown, NSW, Australia,
Fax(61)(2)9517-3902 ph (61)(2)9517-3903
Dear All,
Both Yahoo News and Senator Bennett have misinterpreted the Y2K resolution
in the EP, and it's clear enough I think, that Bennet has simply taken the
Yahoo account of the resolution and not looked at the text. Given that he
is chair of the Senate Y2K committee this is pretty bad.
Whether there is anything wilful and/or perverse about Benetts
misinterpretation - (he has clearly taken a misinterpretation that suits
his purpose) - is another question.
But note the following: The Yahoo account of the resolution says that the
EP deputies voted to 'Shut down nuclear weapon alert systems' over the Y2K
If the deputies had done that then they would indeed have taken leave of
their senses. That is NOT what the resolution said!
It's precisely because Y2K problems may do exactly that or else provide
false alarms that the EP has asked and we ask, to de- alert weapons
systems. That is, to place them in a status in which immediate launch is
not possible, whether by altering firing circuits, pinning open switches,
reprogramming, removing batteries, switching of gyros or whatever.
Needless to say they didn't, and there is no way that the phrase
'de-Alerting' in the EP Y2K resolution can possibly be taken to mean
anything other than to do the same as the UK has done, namely to move the
'notice to fire' from monutes to days, so that an immediate retaliation to
a most likely nonexistent attack is simply not possible. That amounts (for
Alan Philips benefit) to a renunciation of 'launch on Warning'. It
certainly makes LOW impossible.
I have included below
1)The YAHOO account of the resolution
2)Bennetts riposte
3)The FOE Sydney release and the text of the resolution, as already posted.
Do read all of them and you'll see that while there is no foundation in the
text of the resolution for Bennets comments, there is in the Yahoo account.
Lesson (esp for those who used the Yahoo account and didn't wait for the
text which I posted as soon as I knew that the resolution had in fact
actually passed - reasonable caution) - don't trust secondary sources such
as YAHOO, or at least prefer the original text of the resolution!
If anyone would like to write to Bennett and point out his error, please do
so. His fax number is 1-202-224-4908.
I'll be writing myself with one or two others.
1)YAHOO ACCOUNT OF THE RESOLUTION - Note error between **.
>Euro Deputies Warn Y2K Could Cause Atomic Disaster
>STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The European Parliament voted Thursday to ask
>countries to *shut down their nuclear weapon alert systems* over New Year to
>avoid accidental launches caused by the millennium bug computer problem.
>Deputies said they would appeal to the United States and Russia in
>particular to guard against possible errors in computer systems that cannot
>recognize the date change to 2000.
>U.S. and Russian military officials are due to spend New Year's Eve together
>in a special command center designed to avoid accidents caused by the
>millennium bug.
>The parliament voted to ask countries with nuclear power stations to shut
>them down over New Year's Eve unless they had been shown to be millennium
>Deputies said their appeal would be aimed specifically at countries in
>central and Eastern Europe, Turkey, Russia and members of the former Soviet
[Copied from the Bennet webpage, typos mine]
US Senator Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah) Chairman of the Senate Special
Committee on the year 2000 Technology Problem, today said he was troubled
by a vote in the European Parliament to reccommend that countries shut down
nuclear weapon alert systems over the millenium date change due to fears of
accidental, Y2K- induced ballistic missile launches.
"This vote is particularly troubling in that it demonstrates an overall
lack of awareness with regard to Y2K's potential effects on a country's
infrastructure, with a propfound misunderstanding of Y2K's potential effect
on ballistic missile systems" said Bennett, who was instrumental
inconvincing US and Russian officials tp participate in a joint early
warning center in Colorado Springs that will monitor launch information
during the millenium date change. "Shutting down missile warning systems
would be far more dangerous than any problem that may arise from Y2K. What
the European Parliament is asking countries to do is to wear blindfolds
during the crucial date rollover"
During a senate Y2K hearing on September 28, deputy special advisor John
Beyrle of the US State department said that "close collaboration between
our militaries to minimise Y2K problems will result in [the US and Russia]
being less vulnerable to accidental missile launches"
Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind) co-author of the Nunn-Lugar cooperative
Threat Reduction Program also said during Committee testimony that in
visits to Russia and briefings with experts, he was "convinced that the
chances of an accidental missile launch as a result of a Y2K problem are
almost nonexistent"
"Missiles don't launch themselves" said Bennett "There is always a human
being that is an integral part of the command process. The real danger lies
in the generation of inaccurate information that could result in false
alarms.[Yes! Thats precisely what we are concerned about!] Or worse still,
the lack of any information at all. Recognising false alarms takes
cooperation and well - trained military personell who are supported by
Governments and understand the Y2K challenge. International cooperation and
awareness are the keys to avoiding a Y2K catastrophe, not pulling the plug
and hoping for the best"
The European Parliament today passed by a substantial majority a resolution
called 'On the year 2000 Bug in the Civil and Military Sectors', in which
it called for nuclear weapons to be taken off hairtrigger alert and for
nuclear reactors to be shut down over the Y2K rollover. The European
Parliament has been lobbied by an unprecedented combination of Australian,
US, Japanese, and European activists who are concerned that the year 2000
date change does not see either global nuclear catastrophe or one or more
major reactor accidents.
According to Friends of the Earth Sydney Australia nuclear campaigner John
"The European Parliament has shown commendable commonsense. The Canberra
Commission of 1996, the Tokyo Forum, and two resolutions last year in the
United Nations General Assembly as well as two resolutions this year in the
same body have called for the de-alerting of strategic nuclear weapons. The
Senate here in Australia has passed two measures aimed at the avoidance of
what the US Senate has called 'unintended deadly consequences' as a result
of computer-generated false alarms in nuclear weapons related systems, and
71 US congressional representatives have signed on to a motion in the US
Congress calling for nuclear weapons to be taken off alert."
"A variety of bodies in the US, Europe, and Japan have pointed to the
unwisdom of allowing nuclear reactors in which safety functions are
controlled by complex computer software to operate through the date change.
Especial concern has been expressed concerning reactors in Russia and
Ukraine, but concern exists across the board in Europe (east and west),
Japan, the US, and Russia."
"We hope the year 2000 date change will pass without incident. However, the
measures we have asked for are commonsense ones, which have been advocated
for their intrinsic benefit, with or without Y2K. If nothing happens over
the Y2K rollover, so much the better. But why not take commonsense
precautions such as taking 5,600 nuclear weapons off hairtrigger alert, and
ensuring that nuclear reactors have adequate backup power supplies when
these are things that should be done anyway?"
"These measures are far from radical. They are commonsense responses to a
problem that requires a cautious, responsible, and realistic approach. We
commend the resolution."
Contact: John Hallam, Nuclear Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Sydney,
61-2-9517-3903, H61-2-9810-2598,
>Tabled by
>Elly Plooij-Van Gorsel on behalf of the ELDR Group,
>Maj-Britt Theorin on behalf of the PSE Group,
>Heidi Hautala and others on behalf of the Green/EFA Group,
>Giles Chichester and others on behalf of the PPE Group,
>?? on behalf of the GUE Group
>To replace resolutions B5-268/99 (ELDR), B5-279/99 (PSE), B5-292/99
>(Green/EFA), B5-303/99 (PPE),
>On the Year 2000 Bug in the civil and military sectors
>The European Parliament,
>- having regard to the responsibilites of the EU in the areas of major
>accidents and their consequences, relating to radioactive and chemical
>pollution, and its role in nuclear safety under the Euratom Treaty,
>- having regard to the report of Parliament on the 'Year 2000 problem,
>which requested a 3 monthly update from the Commission, as well as various
>reports from the Commission, and the conclusions and the resolution of
>Council, as well as the work of the G8 and the IAEA,
>- having regard to the update given by the Commission to the Industry,
>External Trade, Research and Energy Committee on November 8th,
>A. noting growing concern worldwide that the failure of computers to
>recognize the year 2000 date change could affect control systems at
>nuclear and other environmentally sensitive plants, as well as off-site
>electrical supplies from the networks to such plant, in addition to
>command, control, communications and intelligence systems of nuclear
>B. whereas nuclear power plant safety systems are not generally digitally
>based, though monitoring systems normally are, and while the Commission
>has recognised that enormous progress has been made, there is also
>increasing acceptance about the infeasibility of bringing all such
>computerised systems to year 2000 computer compliance, resulting in some
>risk of infrastructure disruption, and a lack or preparedness amongst
>C. noting that as a result, according to respected analysts, there exists
>a small but unacceptable risk of serious nuclear or other accidents,
>especially in Central and Eastern Europe, and the NIS, especially where
>nuclear plant use plutonium fuel, and similar risk of an accidental
>nuclear war,
>D. whereas there are hundreds of operating nuclear plants and research
>reactors and thousands of other environment-sensitive plants around the
>globe, and whereas there are such installations in all EU Member States,
>and whereas data errors have caused mishaps and near accidents at nuclear
>power stations in the past,
>E. whereas date errors and false signals may also affect the nuclear armed
>forces, with potentially disastrous consequences, notably where nuclear
>weapons are on "hair-trigger" alert, such as in the United States of
>America and the Russian Federation, and whereas two EU Member States have
>nuclear armed forces which may be affected by year 2000 computer problems,
>F. welcoming the UK government's announcement that it has relaxed the
>notice to fire of its nuclear forces from minutes to days,
>G. noting that in 1996 the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of
>Nuclear Weapons recommended that all nuclear forces be taken off
>hair-trigger alert, preferably by physical separation of the warheads from
>delivery vehicles,
>H. noting that a number of resolutions in the UN General Assembly, notably
>Resolution 53/77Y "Towards a nuclear weapon- free world: the need for a
>new agenda", have called for nuclear forces to be de-alerted,
>1. Calls on the governments of the states having a nuclear weapon
>capability to take all the necessary steps to avoid that year 2000
>computer problems may lead to the accidental or unintended firing of
>nuclear weapons by 'de-alerting' those weapons;
>2. Calls on all non-nuclear-weapons Member States of the European Union to
>make vigorous representations to that effect;
>3. Calls on all governments to instruct the operators of all nuclear or
>other environment-sensitive plant not able to verifiably demonstrate their
>complete Y2K compliance, that such plant must be at least temporarily shut
>down at the Millennium, and that in any case stand-by electrical power
>should be available for up to 60 days at all nuclear plant to operate
>cooling pumps and safety systems, and longer term back-up must be provided
>for spent fuel cooling ponds; suggests that the Council and Commission
>press all governments accordingly, especially in Central and Eastern
>Europe, Russia and the NIS, and Turkey;
>4. Recalls and restates its resolution of 25/02/99 on "The Year 2000
>Computer Problem", and notes that in the meantime two particular problems
>seem to persist:
>- the degree of progress in some Member States is not sufficient, which
>may lead to consequences in view of existing cross-border global and
>sectorial levels of integration;
>- SMEs are more exposed to possible disruption than big international
>companies and a certain number of them may be liable to suffer heavy
>financial consequences if they do not adjust in time, requiring urgent
>action by the Commission, and national and regional administrations;
>5. Strongly recomments that the European Council of Helsinki, to be held
>just a couple of weeks before the turn of the century, adopt appropriate
>measures, and make an awareness statement to the European citizens on the
>precise situation of the problem and the potential risks;
>6. Calls on the OECD Members to urgently provide specific resources to
>Central and Eastern European countries and the NIS for the purpose of
>financing alternatives to their nuclear power plants at the Millennium and
>in the medium term, to close down those nuclear power plants no longer
>fulfilling internationally recognised safety standards and to fund
>alternative sources of energy;
>7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission,
>the Council, the UN Security Council, the IAEA, the governments of the
>Member States and the applicant states and the Members of the OECD and the
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(2) French, German reactor safety questioned by Jan Wyllie:
Subject: [y2k-nuclear] Fwd: French & German Reactors May Be In Especially Bad Shape For Y2K
From: "Jan Wyllie" <>
To: <>, "Y2k-Nuclear" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 17:38:45 +0100
Can someone answer the 3 questions posed towards the bottom of the post:
1. What the failure rates of French & German back up generators are [any/all other back up generator failures & sources for
this info, too] See for failure rates of Emergency Diesel Generators in the USA
2. How much fuel is stockpiled to run the back up generators?
3. Are French, German, & any other PWR [Pressurized Water Reactors] of the same design as U.S. PWRs in which they are
prevented from the using the heat from their cores to run the cooling pumps? Again, please site sources.
-Bill Smirnow
I entreat you to read the Y2K Nuclear Safety feature on our Website
Although it is fashionable to think the greatest nuclear safety threat comes
from Russia and Eastern Europe, our analysis of Y2K-interdependencies leads me
to believe that French nuclear electricity generation could be an even greater
threat. The Russian situation is chronic and Russian reactors are designed to
cool themselves when the grid goes down, as it often does. The position in
Europe and North America is potentially more explosive for the following
First point. It is well known that EDF (Electricite de france), which is
responsible for nuclear reactors and the state of the grid, started on serious
Y2K remediation at least a year after the Americans. It is also well known that
the Russian oil and gas pipeline network is in extreme danger of breaking down
in the middle of the Siberian winter. The supplies which keep much of Europe
warm and which are necessary for the stability of the European power grid could
well be interrupted -- perhaps for months!
The second point is that I believe the nuclear industry when it says that the
worse that can happen if some safety system is breached is that the reactor is
shut down. Did you know reactors which are shut down require a constant
electricity supply for up to six months to cool the core enough for it to be
Three. US data indicate that backup generators and battery systems to cool the
plant during a station blackout (if the reactor is not being supplied by the
grid) are notoriously unreliable.
Four. The PWR reactor design used in France and the US will begin to melt down
in 40 minutes to 2 hours, if the core is not continually cooled by electric
pumps. In the US design, reactors are NOT designed to be able to generate
electricity using steam from the hot core to run their own cooling pumps! That
means that most US nuclear plants are dependent on the correct functioning of
the grid or the generators (which are mandated to be supplied with only seven
days fuel).
The bottom line is that if the grid goes down for more than seven days in any
region where there is a PWR nuclear plant, a high risk of meltdown will exist.
As far as I can understand, this risk exists both when the plant has been shut
down and when it is running! Can someone correct me if I am wrong? Please!
I repeat. Incredibly, the power output of US PWRs cannot be stepped down, so
that it can be used to charge the batteries which run the cooling pumps. The
power must come from the grid.
Well, US electricity companies have been working long and hard to make sure that
electricity outages will not happen, much longer than the French and the
Germans, for example. As you well know, even in the US, it is pretty hard to be
In Europe with its very uncertain supply of Russian oil and gas and its very
late attempts at Y2K remediation, such (relative) assurance that the grid will
function is quite unjustified.
So it is very important to discover:
1) if French and German PWRs have the same design as in the US, so they are
prevented from using the heat from their cores to run the cooling pumps
2) whether French and German backup generators are as prone to failure, as they
are in the US.
3) how much fuel is stockpiled on site to run the backup generators. Remember if
oil supplies are affected, it may not be possible to ensure regular deliveries.
I am not in a good position to find this out. Can you help? Or do you know
someone who can?
I remind you. The full story with tons of backup facts is on our Website.
Sorry to lay this on you, but as a Y2K-knowledgeable Frenchman, you could be a
vital resource.
I fail to see any other priority that is at pressing.
Salut, Jan
Jan Wyllie
Trend Monitor "The Information Refinery"
3 Tower Street, Portsmouth
Hants. PO1 2JR, UK
Tel: 44 (0)1363 881017
"only what you need to know"
(3) FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Why is all this happening, if there's nothing to worry about?
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 20:31:11 +0000
From: NHNE <>
Subject: [sedonay2k] Y2K: FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Why?
David Goldberg posted the following comments to the Coalition 2000
discussion list today. I wanted to be sure everyone on the Y2K lists I
administer saw what he had to say...
David Sunfellow
Last night (for the third time) I was invited to a community Y2K event and
then didn't have a real opportunity to deliver my prepared remarks. So, to
relieve my frustration a little I thought I would publish them here. Maybe
someone else can find an opportunity to use them.
David Goldberg
Richmond (CA) Neighborhoods Y2K Resource Network
We keep hearing that Y2K isn't going to be a problem, but if Y2K isn't going
to be a problem, then:
Why are many large organizations in the U.S. still working on it after
having already spent100 billion dollars to fix it?
Why are many government agencies and large corporations requiring key
executives and computer personnel to be on site, at work "with or without
their families" on New Year's eve?
Why is the National Guard being put on alert for the end of the year in some
Why have 85% of the country's biggest companies created Y2K crisis centers
costing millions of dollars?
Why have many police and fire departments canceled all leaves and time off
at the end of the year specifically because of Y2K?
Why have many large companies bought back-up generators and started
stockpiling unusually large amounts of goods, replacement parts, components,
fuels and other materials?
Why are many oceangoing freighters and tankers being kept out of ports and
out of narrow passages at the rollover date?
Why have many airlines in Asia and around the world canceled flights
previously scheduled for the end of the year?
Why do many bus and rail companies plan on temporarily suspending operations
around midnight on the 31st?
Why are many chemical plants, oil and gas pipelines being shut down
temporarily at midnight?
In short, if Y2K is definitely not going to be a problem, why are so many
large organizations spending so much time, money, and effort preparing for a
possible problem?
I have a suggestion: Don't listen to what they're saying; watch what they're
I don't know what's going to happen, but they seem to be taking this very
seriously. Maybe we should, too.
David Sunfellow, Founder & Publisher
NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE)
a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
P.O. Box 10627
Sedona, AZ USA 86339-8627
Primary eMail: Secondary eMail:
Phone: (520) 282-6120 Fax: (815) 346-1492
Current NHNE Posts:
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----- MY RESPONSE: -----
Dear Mr. Sunfellow:
That was an excellent article you presented on "food for thought". However, it didn't discuss the nuclear issues. Here's something I recently wrote which does. I sincerely hope you will publish it.
Thank you in advance for your attention,
Russell Hoffman
----- END OF MY RESPONSE -----
We included the article called SIGNS OF STRIFE from the previous newsletter. Mr. Sunfellow has so far declined to publish any of our commentaries which we have sent him. -- rdh
(4) Marvin Lewis tries to ask Koskinen a question or two -- but it's not allowed!:
Here is a report on yet another carefully orchestrated Y2K "town meeting" which has been designed to avoid honest discussion. The STOP CASSINI newsletter editor attended a similar meeting here, with local representatives. There were NO opportunities to ask questions, which had to be submitted in writing and approved before being read to the panel.
This is NOT democracy in action! This is spin-doctoring and propaganda campaigns in our hour of need! -- rdh
To:,,,,,,,,,,,, FBOYLE@LAW.UIUC.EDU,,
wdepuy@EARTHLINK.NET,,,,,,,, ruthminer@EARTHLINK.NET,,,,,,
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 08:56:32 -0500
Subject: Y2K Koskinen Meeting of 11-17-99.
From: "Marvin I. Lewis" <>
Dear Friends;
The evening of 11-17-99, I attended the Town Meeting on Y2K at
Drexel University from 6PM to 8PM. Koskinen and several dignitaries
answered questions.
I entered the lobby of the Mandell Auditorium at 5:55PM. I had
seen many police cars outside, but was not impressed as the Police force
of Drexel, University of Penn, and Phila patrol the area. When I entered
the auditorium, I was surprised to see the many male and female guards in
plain clothes with bulletproof vests and concealed weapons. The security
was more extensive than I had seen with VP Gore or Pres Clinton. It
seemed excessive.
I attempted to sit near the microphone used for questions from
the audience. I was redirected to another seat. A 'chosen' group was
seated near the aforementioned microphone.
I attempted to hand out a few papers that I had prepared earlier.
I was challenged and handed them out surreptitiously. The security was
even tighter when I left at 8PM. Koskinen is a pleasant looking man in
his early 60's. He shows no emotion in his face except for an occasional
smile to punctuate the "don't worry' message.
The first hour was relayed to several stations by satellite. All
the questions were from people who worked on Y2K for government. The
second hour was not telecast and some questions came from the 'real'
people. They were of a nature that I am sure the panel was happy with.
Terry Ruggles, the MC, turned aside one or two difficult questions that
crept in. Koskinen answered the unanswerable questions by stating that
those were 'local problems.' (I thought that Phila 'local" was a part of
Many questions concerned the average person's preparedness. One
expert stated that there were 90 days of pharmaceuticals in pipeline. My
prior research suggests 4 or 5 except for the usual aspirin and insulin
which is in enough demand to require the pipeline to have large amounts
in transit. Also if you need an 'orphan' drug, you are at risk with or
without Y2K. 90 days sounds questionable.
Another stated that hospitals have 90 days of emergency supplies.
That does not agree with my research. Another stated that residential and
nursing homes are ready. My research shows that they have 3 days of
emergency food and water.
A young professor of computer science asked a few questions on
Y2K. His remark to the panel was 'optimists' as he left the microphone.
Another Prof of computer science asked a technical question which was
partially avoided. I am not quoting the questions as any question of
import seemed to be avoided in part or in toto.
I, respectfully , disagreed with many of the answers from the
I did not have a chance to raise PECo reluctance to open the PA
PUC filings on nukes, emergency diesel problems, fuel pools, etc, but
Koskinen stated that the NRC is sure that nukes are ready.
Respectfully submitted,
Marvin Lewis
3133 Fairfield St.
Phila PA 19136
215 676 1291
(5) Tell Clinton how you feel -- Official government contact points:
To contact the top government officials:
President Bill Clinton
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20500
Phone -- (202) 456-1111
Fax -- (202) 456-2461
e-mail --
Vice President Albert Gore
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,
N.W.,Washington, D.C. 20500
Phone -- (202) 456-1414
Fax -- (202) 456-2461
e-mail --
Secretary William Cohen
1000 Defense
The Pentagon
Washington D.C. 20301
Phone -- (703) 695-6352
Fax -- (703) 695-1149
Secretary Bill Richardson
Department of Energy (DoE)
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington D.C. 20585
Phone -- (202) 586-6210
Fax -- (202) 586-4403
To learn about the absurd excuses NASA used to launch Cassini and its 72.3 pounds of plutonium in 1997, ask them for the 1995 Environmental Impact Statement for the Cassini mission, and all subsequent documentation. At the same time, be sure to ask them for ANY and ALL documentation available on future uses of plutonium in space, including MILITARY, CIVILIAN, or "OTHER" (just in case they make a new category somehow!). To get this information, contact:
Cassini Public Information
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
(818) 354-5011 or
(818) 354-6478
Here's NASA's "comments" email address:
Daniel Goldin is the head of NASA. Here's his email address:
Here's the NASA URL to find additional addresses to submit written questions to:
NASA should never have been allowed to launch monstrosities like Cassini and Galileo, but the next breed -- such as Europa Orbiter and Pluto-Kuiper Express are not much better and the policy is being set for greatly increased rates of missions! The danger continues! To complain to NASA about their future nuclear space probes, here are two addresses you can use:
For Europa Orbiter:
"Europa Orbiter comments" <
For Pluto-Kuiper Express:
"Pluto-Kuiper Express comments" <>
Be sure to "cc" the president and VP and your senators and congresspeople, too.
Always include your full name and postal address in all correspondence to any Government official of any country, because otherwise they will throw it out unread, or hand it directly to their police force to try to identify the author. (Thus, nothing good will come of it.) Also, ALWAYS include a personal message of some sort, indicating YOUR OWN VIEWS, even if you include a lot of material written by other people (me, for instance).
(6) Newsletter subscription information:
Thanks for reading! Welcome new subscribers!
Home page of our STOP CASSINI movement:
(Beware of imitations!)
To subscribe, simply email the editor at and state:
Please include a personal message of any
length and subject matter. Thank you!
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Published by Russell D. Hoffman electronically.
Written in the United States of America.
This newsletter is free and is not distributed for profit.
The opinions expressed are those of the individual authors.
Please distribute these newsletters EVERYWHERE!
"There can be no democracy without truth, no justice without mercy, and no nuclear dispersals without ill consequences."
(7) Newsletter Authorship notes and additional URLs:
Many of the issues presented by Russell Hoffman in this letter are based on conversations with Dr. John W. Gofman (who isolated the first working quantities of plutonium), the late Dr. Karl Z. Morgan (who was known as the "father of health physics"), Dr. Ernest Sternglass (a noted epidemiologist who has done statistical studies about LLR), Dr. Jay Gould (ditto), Dr. Horst Poehler, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Dr. Ross Wilcock and dozens of activists, as well as many others on both sides of the nuclear debates, including ex military nuke expert Jack Shannon (responsible for the design of the D2G Navy reactor, the most widely used reactor in the U. S. navy), award-winning investigative reporter Karl Grossman, ecologist and human rights advocate Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, etc. Also, I've read a few dozen books on the various subjects. And scads of government documents purporting to explain how something so dangerous can be safe.
Professionally, my pump training software is used throughout the pump industry and even in some nuclear power plants around the world to train their staff about mechanical pumps. Any errors herein are regrettably my own, but I believe it would take an extremely unlikely preponderance of errors to invalidate my basic position on these issues.
Russell D. Hoffman, Carlsbad, California, Peace Activist, Environmentalist, High Tech Guru:
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** Russell D. Hoffman, Owner and Chief Programmer
** Carlsbad CA
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First placed online November 20th, 1999.
Last modified November 21st, 1999.
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Copyright (c) Russell D. Hoffman