STOP CASSINI Newsletter #222 -- November 5th, 1999

Copyright (c) 1999

STOP CASSINI Newsletters Index

To: Subscribers, government officials, members of the press

From: Russell David Hoffman, not being judgmental or anything

Re: How are tomorrow's children being protected? STOP CASSINI #222

Date: November 5th 1999 -- just over 8 weeks to go before Y2K-day

This issue's subjects:

(1) U.S.E.C. Dooming America and the world to nuclear pestilence:

Follow the money. -- rdh



The corporation who's SEC filing document is quoted below runs the Paducah gaseous diffusion/enrichment/spent fuel plant. "It makes a lot of money off what eventually becomes other people's misery" as Pamela Blockey O-Brien puts it. The attached clip was taken from their own report, found recently on Yahoo.

If the Paducah plant blows up because of Y2K or other problems, you can pretty much kiss all of Kentucky goodbye.

USEC states below that as of March, 1999, they were preparing Y2K contingency plans. But have they told the public what might be released? Uranium hexaflouride gas, along with plutonium, uranium, and all the usual crap from the nuclear fuel cycle.

Here's where Paducah sits in the nuclear fuel chain:

First you mine the uranium, creating thousands of tons of radioactive mine tailings. Then its milled, where it's ground up (it's called "yellowcake" at this point) and shipped to a conversion plant where it's converted to a gaseous state (called Uranium Hexafluoride Gas (UF6)). The gas is shipped in 14-ton containers to places like Paducah, Kentucky or Portsmouth, Ohio (both currently run by U.S.E.C.). Allied Chemical and Kerr-McGee both run, or have run, conversion plants.

At the enrichment plant (such as Paducah) the first stage of enrichment of U235 (and the first stage of the financial enrichment of the Paducah management) is where you separate it [the U235] out from the U238 as much as possible. For every 4 containers in, one enriched container comes out, enriched to about 1.95% U235.

What remains is the U238 (3 container's worth) still with small amounts of U235 (about 0.2 to 0.3%) and trace amounts of U234 mixed in because it's difficult to get everything perfectly separated. This is what's called "Depleted Uranium". It's called D.U. simply because the U235 content has been depleted.

Using Hydrogen, the UF6 is converted to a crystalline form called green salt (UF4, Uranium Tetrafluoride), which is converted to a metal by an "exothermic reaction with magnesium in a closed vessel".

The highly enriched stuff gets shipped to additional diffusion plants for military purposes in making bombs (used to be Oak Ridge and Piketon). The low enrichment stuff goes to commercial nuclear power plants where it eventually becomes spent fuel rods, which are about the deadliest stuff on Earth.

Follow the money. There's a lot of money to be made from making poisons like these. USEC made over 150 million dollars in FY1999 on revenues of over 1.5 Billion U.S. dollars. Good investment for business. Bad investment for humanity.

-- Russell Hoffman and Pamela Blockey-O' Brien

(Attachments follow:)

(The description of the Uranium process was based in part on an article by Paul Loewenstein, Vice President and Technical director, Nuclear Metals Inc., entitled Industrial Uses of Depleted Uranium, reprinted in "Uranium Battlefields at Home and Abroad", by a consortium of citizens groups in March, 1993)


Ron Seeholzer, 301/564-3225
Steven Wingfield, 301/564-3354
USEC Internet site:

Executives at USEC:

William Timbers Jr., Pres./CEO
James Mellor, Chmn.
George Rifakes, Sr. Exec. VP (recently retired)
James Miller, Exec. VP
Jeffry Sterba, Exec. VP
Henry Shelton Jr., Sr. VP/CFO

2 Democracy Center, 6903
Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: (301) 564-3200
Fax: (301) 564-3201


------------------ ATTACHMENT #1: -------------------

November 4th, 1999


May 7, 1999

Quarterly Report (SEC form 10-Q)




The Year 2000 issue exists because many software and embedded systems (defined below), which use only two digits to identify a year in a date field, were developed without considering the impact of the upcoming change in the century. Some of these systems are critical to USEC's operations and business processes and could fail or function inaccurately if not repaired or replaced with Year 2000 ready products. USEC's software and embedded systems will be Year 2000 ready when such systems are replaced or remediated to perform essential functions accurately and without failure. Software is computer programming that has been developed by USEC for its own use (in-house software) and purchased from vendors (vendor software). Embedded systems refer to both computing hardware and other electronic monitoring, communications, and control systems that have microprocessors.

The Year 2000 project focuses on systems that are critical. The failure of critical systems would directly and adversely affect the ability to generate or deliver products and services or otherwise affect revenue, safety, or reliability for a period of time as to lead to unrecoverable consequences. USEC has adopted a phased approach for critical systems:

- a company-wide inventory, in which critical systems were identified; assessment, in which critical systems were evaluated as to their readiness to

- operate in the Year 2000;

- remediation, in which critical systems that are not Year 2000 ready are upgraded by modification or replacement;

- testing, in which remediation is validated by checking the ability of critical systems to operate within the Year 2000 time frame; and

- certification, in which systems are formally acknowledged to be Year 2000 ready and acceptable for operation.

The Year 2000 project is proceeding on schedule. Remediation, testing and certification of the identified, critical, in-house and vendor software and hardware is substantially complete with other items expected to be completed by July 1999. Other software that requires Year 2000 remediation may be included during the remediation and testing phases.

Remediated software and embedded systems are being tested both for ability to handle Year 2000 dates, including leap year, and to assure that repair has not affected functionality. Software and embedded systems are being tested individually and where necessary in an integrated manner with other systems, with dates advanced to simulate the Year 2000. All are being tested to reduce risk, but testing cannot comprehensively address all future combinations of dates and events.

USEC depends on external parties, including electric power utilities, customers, suppliers, government agencies, and financial institutions, to reliably deliver products and services. To the extent that external parties experience Year 2000 problems, the demand for and the reliability of USEC's services may be adversely affected. USEC has adopted a phased approach to address external parties and the Year 2000 issue:

- inventory, in which critical business relationships were identified; action planning, in which a series of actions and a time frame for monitoring

- expected compliance status were developed;

- assessment, in which the likelihood of external party Year 2000 readiness is being evaluated; and

- contingency planning, in which plans are being made to deal with the potential failure of an external party to be Year 2000 ready.

Assessment of Year 2000 readiness of external parties will continue through calendar year 1999.

USEC is assessing the progress of Year 2000 remediation efforts internally and externally to determine the scope of contingency planning necessary to reduce the risk. If the remediation schedule lags and cannot meet certain milestones, a contingency planning process would begin, and contingency plans would be implemented if a remediated system does not become available by the date it is needed. USEC is developing contingency plans for the potential failure of critical external parties to address their Year 2000 issues.

USEC recognizes that, given the complex interaction of computing and communication systems, it is not possible to be certain that all efforts to have all critical systems Year 2000 ready will be successful. Irrespective of the progress of the Year 2000 project, USEC is preparing contingency plans. The plans take into account the possibility of multiple system failures, both internal and external, due to Year 2000 effects.

There can be no assurance that such programs will identify and cure all software problems, or that entities on whom USEC relies for certain services integral to its business, such as the electric power suppliers, will successfully address all of their software and systems problems in order to operate without disruption in 2000.

USEC expects its costs for software modifications and systems upgrades to resolve Year 2000 issues will amount to $14.6 million, of which $9.2 million had been incurred at March 31, 1999. Pursuant to USEC's financial accounting and reporting policies, purchased hardware and software costs are capitalized, and implementation costs, including consultants' fees, are charged against income as incurred.


More filings for USU available from EDGAR Online EDGAR Online offers detailed company intelligence with Real Time SEC Filings, Full Search, People, Personal and more.

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See our Important Disclaimers and Legal Information.
All Rights Reserved.

------------------ END OF ATTACHMENT #1 -------------------

----------------- ATTACHMENT #2: ---------------------

For Immediate Release:
July 28, 1998

Charles Yulish (301) 564-3391
Elizabeth Stuckle (301) 564-3391
Internet site:

Privatization Completed; United States Enrichment
Sold In an Initial Public Offering

Bethesda, MD -- Today, the privatization of USEC was completed with the transfer of the federal government's entire ownership in USEC to the private sector.

The government received approximately $1.9 billion from the sale of USEC, which included the proceeds from the sale of equity securities, plus $500 million in cash from a USEC borrowing in the bank market. In addition, the government retained approximately $1.2 billion in cash from USEC's bank account at Treasury. USEC Inc. shares began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on July 23, with 100 million shares priced at $14.25 per share. The company's shares trade under the stock symbol "USU."

In 1992 and 1996, the Congress, with bipartisan support, created USEC and put it on the road to privatization. With privatization plans approved by the President, the final phase began in January 1998 and culminates today in the closing of the sale of USEC.

The new Board of Directors, headed by Chairman James R. Mellor, today assumes corporate governance responsibilities, replacing the previous federal Board, chaired by William J. Rainer, which had completed its duties.

USEC Inc., a global energy company, currently has approximately a 75% share of the North American uranium enrichment market and a 40% share of the world market. Uranium enrichment is a crucial step in transforming natural uranium into fuel for nuclear reactors to produce electricity. The company supplies enriched uranium to approximately 60 customers to use in 176 nuclear reactors located in 14 countries throughout the world.

----------------- END OF ATTACHMENT #2 ---------------------

(2) Bill Smirnow on dangers America faces (+ comments on the EMP):

We appreciate seeing the following letter from Bill Smirnow to Art Bell. -- rdh


Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 02:04:17 -0500 (EST)

Dear Art & Russell,

I just heard you Art mention your question about withstanding an EMP burst. I don't have the answer but 2 people I'd suggest you call as potential guests are:

Dr Michio Kaku [Phone:xxx-xxx-xxxx] & Russell Hoffman [Phone:xxx-xxx-xxxx, e-mail:]

-Bill Smirnow

PS Art, I can understand your concern about the shootings at schools, jobs, etc but I think you really ought to see the bigger picture. In the bigger view, this is NOTHING. The real crimes are the more subtle ones, the ones that media rarely harps on-35,000 to 45,000 people starve to death every single day. That's about 1.2 million people per month & 14.4 million people per year. That's between 2 and 3 times the amount of Jews the Nazis murdered in the Holocaust over a 4 year period. And this is murder, not unavoidable starvation, by agribusiness. There's enough food on earth & the means to distribute it to feed every human being on earth twice over. That's a story, not this yellow journalism garbage about shootings. I could go on & on with stories about the amount of people that are killed by agribusiness & the chemicals that are put on the food we eat every day that kill us over a period of years, not in a split second. Or the fact that nuclear weapons are on hair trigger alert 10 years after the end of the Cold War with Y2K coming up & 6 of the 7 USA-Russian nuclear hotlines not being compliant. Nuclear power & chemical plants are NOT Y2K compliant. Please see my earlier e-mail of today about the GAO coming out with a report on October 27th stating that the NRC [Nuclear Regulatory Commission] vis a vi Y2K was and is incredibly negligent.

There is no free press in the country. Without a free press, we don't have a Democracy. The United States in NOT democracy. Now that's a story!!! Why don't you talk about that? Get Dr. Noan Chomsky of M.I.T. on to discuss that. Michio Kaku knows him & respects his work highly. Please have him on the air. You can get Chomsky at M.I.T. in Cambridge, Massachusetts [617 area code].

To: Art Bell:
From: Russell Hoffman
Date: November 5th,1999

Dear Mr. Bell,

Mr. Smirnow, who has written you a brilliant "PS" [shown above] flatters me.

My specialty is Assembler-language DOS-based real-time interactive computer programming of Intel-series C.P.U. chips. So if, for example, you want someone who could program a laser beam on an earth-orbiting satellite to draw galloping horses on the dark side of the moon for advertising purposes, I'm your man. I can do it, and I can talk about it. I can even talk about the horrific military implications if you aim the beam differently, speaking as an amateur war historian and peace activist.

But on the effects of the EMP, although I have written several documents summarizing what any careful research of the available literature will tell you (namely, that one EMP can knock out the entire nation's computer systems permanently, leading to loss of hospital equipment, control software for nuclear plants, transportation equipment, etc. etc.), I would not really want to call myself an "expert". Oh, I know a thing or two about electronics and such. And no expert I've ever heard of has been able to prove wrong my assessments which I developed from talking to others and reading what literature I can find (much of it has been taken out of circulation, I think, over the past few decades). But I wouldn't call myself an expert. I'm an advocate of sane policies based on obvious facts. Namely, we should disarm the nuclear weapons all around the world because they are genocidal, the EMP threat being one of the reasons.

Indeed, the dangers of the EMP are certainly something that the world needs to know about. So I'd love to be on your show, but preferably WITH Dr. Kaku if it's alright with him, on the subject of the nuclear EMP (or various other related subjects). In any event, I'm sure you'll have a classic show if you get Dr. Kaku on about it, with or without me. I don't know his assessment of the situation, but I suspect it's as severe as mine is, simply because I believe I've studied the situation carefully enough to know.

I've attached some relevant information I hope you'll find interesting. I hope all your shows these days are in some way, Y2K-related. The EMP would probably be one of the first blasts in a nuclear war, even an accidental one.

Best wishes,

Russell Hoffman
peace activist
Carlsbad, CA

Here is my main article about the Effects of Nuclear War, which includes a description of what the EMP can do:

Short article on EMP [follows]
Bill Smirnow's letter [shown above]


SPACE NEWS reports on Congressional Hearings on the Electromagnetic Pulse

According to SPACE NEWS, June 28th, 1999, page 17, in an article titled "Energy Pulses Called an Overlooked Threat", Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R- Md) chaired a hearing on the potential effects of electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) from nuclear weapons . The following is based on the Space News article:

"The danger to U. S. national security posed by EMPs far exceeds anything associated with the computer woes that are expected at the turn of the millennium, Bartlett said." He also stated, "Yet the EMP threat is virtually ignored by our government and is practically unknown to the general public."

Lowell Wood, a senior staff member at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Berkeley, California said in written testimony that "modern electronic equipment generally [is] more vulnerable than older systems. EMPs have virtually no effect on the human body." He also said that satellite ground stations "are exceedingly sensitive and they are among the ones which can be expected to die most readily from the effects of EMP on the ground." And he said that satellite survivability tests are no longer even being done!

Ronald Wiltsie, program manager of strategic systems at Johns Hopkins' Applied Physics Laboratory, said "such far-reaching effects are particular to the EMP. ... Neither natural phenomenon nor any other nuclear-weapon effects are so widespread." [He obviously wasn't thinking about the spread of radioactive fallout throughout the environment, which is a gradual thing but very widespread. -- rdh]

Gordon Soper, group vice president of Defense Group Inc., Alexandria Virginia (a consulting group) stated, "However remote, an EMP attack would result in unacceptable disruption to our commercial electronic infrastructure."

According to the Space News article, Representative Bartlett "intends to continue to raise public and political awareness of the EMP issue and its impact on the United States' Microelectronics-based society."

I hope any readers from Maryland who are represented by Roscoe Bartlett will ask him to allow our article about The Effects of Nuclear Weapons to be read into the Congressional Record, to show for historic purposes, that at least some Americans DO know the whole awful truth. The mass media may sweep the problem under the rug, so as not to alarm the public into trying to solve the problems it faces, but somewhere (on the Internet, mainly) the truth is known and the solution -- massive disarmament -- is obvious.

-- rdh


(3) From the mailbag: David Bowe, Member of the European Parliament:

Note: There seems to be a concerted effort to become known and remembered around the world for having "unsubscribed" from the STOP CASSINI newsletter! This is one of two such items in today's newsletter. -- rdh


Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 09:15:59 +0100
From: "David Robert Bowe"
Subject: Re: The secret war against humanity and democracy: STOP CASSINI#221: November 3rd 1999

Dear Mr Hoffman

I would be grateful if you could remove my e-mail address from your list.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely

David Bowe MEP


----- MY RESPONSE: -----

Dear Mr. Bowe.

Regarding your letter [shown above], I can do so, and appreciate your correspondence. However, is it really possible that none of these topics I have written about are of interest to you? How can that be? Where could you possibly be getting the information? What more honest source do you believe you have?

Any response will be appreciated; these questions are utterly serious, and I would be happy to try to answer ANY other questions -- on any topic -- you might have. Renewable energy solutions? Got em! Geopolitical reasons the world should dismantle the nuclear arsenals? Got em! Humanitarian considerations? Abundant! Engineering difficulties? Easily overcome!

All that is waiting to save the world from a possible Y2K destruction, or perhaps one tomorrow or next week (or next year) in a common consensus to get rid of these weapons.

The United Nations voted 138-0 to condemn the U. S. and Israel for our outer space weaponization policies. But not one word was said about the more serious dangers, which are not that the space warriors might kill others who try to kill them -- but that a nuclear war in space kills people randomly, everywhere, in ones and twos, for millennia after the war! Where is that mentioned? How are tomorrow's children being protected?

All this is happening, and where is your voice? Where do you spend your time?

Writing to me, who warns you about all this, and asking me not to send you any more newsletters.

So I ask again, Please tell me where you get your "facts" instead. Because if you thought the things I say were factual, I find it impossible to believe you would "unsubscribe" from my newsletter just 58 days before Y2K, because I know of no other news source that is regularly telling the world what little is being done, what the stakes are, and what we all need to be doing. And whose fault it is.

This world has gone quite mad, that's for sure -- but that's no reason you should. So, a response to what appears to be your suicidal behavior will be most appreciated. Also, what about your constituents? How does your unsubscribing work to protect them? Have you told them about the dangers the world faces from Y2K, and every day? Have you explained to your constituents that America WILL gladly get rid of its nuclear arsenal -- as soon as the rest of the world explains to our citizens (who have been lied to for 60 years) how suicidal and genocidal these weapons really are?

Thank you in advance for considering this response.

Russell Hoffman
Owner and Chief Programmer, The Animated Software Company
Author, Internet Glossary of Pumps, All About Pumps, Russell's "P11" Animation Machine
Programmer, GENI tutorial, The Heart: The Engine of Life, Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms
Peace Activist, Author and Lecturer
Founder and Editor, STOP CASSINI newsletter
Please ask for a FREE educational CD-ROM by the author (as advertised at my web site -- !

----- END OF MY RESPONSE -----

(4) From the mailbag: Sunny Lewis, Environment News Network:


At 11:58 PM 11/3/99 -0700, Sunny Lewis wrote:
unsubscribe stop cassini newsletter


----- MY 1ST RESPONSE: -----

To: "Sunny Lewis, Environment News Service"


I'm sorry, but there is no listing by the names of:


anywhere in my system and I thus cannot "unsubscribe" you Perhaps someone else forwarded it to you, or you saw one of the issues that was posted somewhere.

In any event, I'm sorry you would want to be "unsubscribed" anyway -- what part of Y2K doesn't scare you? What part of the space nuclear issue is unimportant to an "Environment News Service" anyway? Most importantly, where do you think you get honest news about the issues I write about?


Russell Hoffman
Founder and Editor
STOP CASSINI newsletter

----- END OF MY 1ST RESPONSE -----


At 09:27 AM 11/4/99 -0700, Sunny Lewis wrote:
Please try unsubscribing my other email address:

Thank you, Sunny Lewis


----- MY 2ND RESPONSE: -----

To: "Sunny Lewis, Environment News Service"

That one I found.

But have you not a word as to why Environment News Service would want to "unsubscribe" in the first place? What environment do you write news about? Surely not planet Earth's!


Russell Hoffman

----- END OF MY 2ND RESPONSE -----


At 01:19 PM 11/4/99 -0700, Sunny Lewis wrote:

Hello Russell Hoffman...I do not feel the need to explain my reasons for unsubscribing. Thank you for your service to date and best wishes in your future endeavors. Sunny Lewis


----- MY 3RD RESPONSE: -----


You're absolutely correct, that you don't need to explain your reasons for unsubscribing. Not to me (who wants to know), not to my other subscribers (who might be curious), not to God (who is surely listening), and certainly not to the Devil himself (even if he is listening). Not to anyone. If God's appointed inquisitor, St. Peter, at your appointed time, asks you why you did any particular thing in your life, you won't have to explain your reasons to him, either. However, he might not let you pass through the gates he guards if you don't. The price of freedom? The freedom not to explain? Today, nothing. But perhaps, later, there will be other gates you can go through with your attitude, but some will be barred and you will not be able to pass.

Good luck.


Russell Hoffman

----- END OF 3RD MY RESPONSE -----

Next we checked ENN's web site ( ). We found a biased and propagandistic tool of the corporate dogs. Here's their utterly irresponsible Cassini report from October,1997, for instance:

Here's another irresponsible Cassini report, from September, 1997:

And here's their report from the day of the flyby, still not doing justice to the opposition voice -- the one that speaks for the environment:

It is clear from these and other reports reviewed at the site that Environment News Network should be ignored by one and all. What they print are little better than press releases from the military-industrial complex. They are no more concerned about the environment than the DoE (Death of the Earth squad).

(5) Tell Clinton how you feel -- Official government contact points

To contact the top government officials: President Bill Clinton
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20500
Phone -- (202) 456-1111
Fax -- (202) 456-2461
e-mail --

Vice President Albert Gore
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,
N.W.,Washington, D.C. 20500
Phone -- (202) 456-1414
Fax -- (202) 456-2461
e-mail --

Secretary William Cohen
1000 Defense
The Pentagon
Washington D.C. 20301
Phone -- (703) 695-6352

Secretary Bill Richardson
Department of Energy (DoE)
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington D.C. 20585
Phone -- (202) 586-6210
fax -- (202) 586-4403

Always include your full name and postal address in all correspondence to any Government official of any country, because otherwise they will throw it out unread, or hand it directly to their police force to try to identify the author. (Thus, nothing good will come of it.) Also, ALWAYS include a personal message of some sort, indicating YOUR OWN VIEWS, even if you include a lot of material written by other people (me, for instance).

NASA needs to be told in no uncertain terms they have lied too often to the public and we want a SEA CHANGE away from their nuclear policies!

To learn about the absurd excuses NASA used to launch Cassini and its 72.3 pounds of plutonium in 1997, ask them for the 1995 Environmental Impact Statement for the Cassini mission, and all subsequent documentation. At the same time, be sure to ask them for ANY and ALL documentation available on future uses of plutonium in space, including MILITARY, CIVILIAN, or "OTHER" (just in case they make a new category somehow!). To get this information, contact:

Cassini Public Information
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
(818) 354-5011 or
(818) 354-6478

Here's NASA's "comments" email address:

Daniel Goldin is the head of NASA. Here's his email address:

Here's the NASA URL to find additional addresses to submit written questions to:


NASA should never have been allowed to launch monstrosities like Cassini and Galileo, but the next breed -- such as Europa Orbiter and Pluto-Kuiper Express are not much better and the policy is being set for greatly increased rates of missions! The danger continues! To complain to NASA about their future nuclear space probes, here are two addresses you can use:

For Europa Orbiter:
Europa Orbiter comments"

For Pluto-Kuiper Express:
"Pluto-Kuiper Express comments"

Be sure to "cc" the president and VP and your senators and congresspeople, too.

(6) Newsletter subscription information:

Thanks for reading! Welcome new subscribers!

Home page of our STOP CASSINI movement: (Beware of imitations!)

To subscribe, simply email the editor at and state:
Please include a personal message of any
length and subject matter. Thank you!

To unsubscribe email me and say

Published by Russell D. Hoffman electronically.
Written in the United States of America.
This newsletter is free and is not distributed for profit.
The opinions expressed are those of the individual authors.
Please distribute these newsletters EVERYWHERE!

"There can be no democracy without truth, no justice without mercy, and no nuclear dispersals without ill consequences."

(7) Newsletter Authorship notes and additional URLs:


Many of the issues presented by Russell Hoffman in this letter are based on conversations with Dr. John W. Gofman (who isolated the first working quantities of plutonium), the late Dr. Karl Z. Morgan (who was known as the "father of health physics"), Dr. Ernest Sternglass (a noted epidemiologist who has done statistical studies about LLR), Dr. Jay Gould (ditto), Dr. Horst Poehler, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Dr. Ross Wilcock and dozens of activists, as well as many others on both sides of the nuclear debates, including ex military nuke expert Jack Shannon (responsible for the design of the D2G Navy reactor, the most widely used reactor in the U. S. navy), award-winning investigative reporter Karl Grossman, ecologist and human rights advocate Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, etc. Also, I've read a few dozen books on the various subjects. And scads of government documents purporting to explain how something so dangerous can be safe. Professionally, my pump training software is used throughout the pump industry and even in some nuclear power plants around the world to train their staff about mechanical pumps. Any errors herein are regrettably my own, but I believe it would take an extremely unlikely preponderance of errors to invalidate my basic position on these issues.

Russell D. Hoffman, Carlsbad, California, Peace Activist, Environmentalist, High Tech Guru:

Hoffman's Y2K Preparedness Information:

Learn about The Effects of Nuclear War here:

** Russell D. Hoffman, Owner and Chief Programmer
** Carlsbad CA
** Visit the world's most eclectic web site:

Next issue (#223)
Previous issue (#221)



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First placed online November 5th, 1999.
Last modified November 10th, 1999.
Webwiz: Russell D. Hoffman
Copyright (c) Russell D. Hoffman