Shrimp boats from heaven? Well, who knows, but goodness, what a sign! We need boats. There is a 140-minute launch window every day. Here's the URL of a NASA support document containing the official daily launch windows for the Cassini mission, which begin October 6th, 1997 at 4:38:26 am:
Shrimp boats. You heard the news. Even if we only delay it by one day, or one week we'll have more of that hard-to-get media publicity than we could possibly have imagined. Even just a week's worth of protests, by just one boat, might be all that we would need to wake people up, wouldn't it? To get worldwide press? It's time to explore the possibilities of a shrimp-boat solution. Such a protest is a very legitimate form of protest, historically speaking. It's just too obvious, too easy, too effective. Handed to us on a silver platter. Too non-violent. Too good. We should all rent/buy/beg/borrow/build boats and have an offshore party that lasts as long as we need.
If it can be done once, it can be done again. And now it HAS been done once and all the Air Force could do was drop a"please-move" request via streamer onto the deck of the boat. Let's do it again. NASA: Start printing streamers.
Thanks to Mark Elsis, Robert Cherwink, and especially to "MATT" who was the first to suggest it, and thanks in advance to everyone who likes this idea and spreads the word.
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--Russell Hoffman
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